belly fire The air in the plant had a pleasant balance today,
as if someone had left a door wide open all night and well into the day.
I came into work with the smell of an indian summer in my hair and felt refreshed to find it inside as well.
I felt like a student again -
on those days where my back damp with sweat was also pleasant, in only a way that summer can make you feel.
A day without Ron freaking out is rare and today was no exception. But who cares, we had a laugh at his expense and it felt good on a Friday.
Dave talked to me as though he never cared what I knew or thought about him and let me into his life a little further, again, so that maybe I could understand him a little better?
Maybe understand myself a little better too.
"So, when are you two getting married?"
"When are YOU getting married?"
Smiles all around.
I'm surrounded by moms and dads at work but tonight everything was a little lighter, a little less familial. They could have been my age.
I clocked out to the tail end of Friday and the smell was still in my hair, trapped under my bandana.
what's it to you?
who go