raze it's much less worried about itself than i often think it should be. and most of our conversations end in acrimony. for example, this is what happens almost every time i take a bath.

ME: okay. this water's pretty hot. prepare thyself.

MY MANHOOD: eh. it's no big deal.

ME: seriously? aren't you...uh...kind of sensitive?

MY MANHOOD: under most other circumstances, yes. but when it comes to hot water, i'm just about the most indifferent part of your body. it's all in your head. relax. let your mind drift to a peaceful place, beyond pain or anxiety...

ME: you're trying to hypnotize me. do you realize how absurd that is?

MY MANHOOD: you do know whoor *what*, i should sayyou're talking to, right?

ME: good point. it's not like you've ever proven yourself to be terribly wise.

MY MANHOOD: hey! i don't have to take this shit from you!

ME: don't sweat the small stuff. let your mind drift to a peaceful place, beyond pain or anxiety...

MY MANHOOD: fitting that you'd reach for an expression hinging on the word "small".

ME: i'm not talking to you anymore.

MY MANHOOD: fine! i didn't want to talk to you anyway!

ME: fine! we'll just stop talking then!


(bath commences)
what's it to you?
who go