jinx If a hopeful girl is a foolish girl, go ahead and call me foolish, because I'm hoping for you.

I spilled my guts for you, and even thought my insides are on the outside of my skin, I am somehow still breathing-just to breathe you in.
the swinger of birches but it won't be long before i suffocate, because when we fight about me being gay and you bring up all the issues encompassed within your faith, i begin to choke on my heart and it gets lodged somewhere in my throat. my eyes well up but they don't shed tears, i wish they would so you would feel guilty for saying some of the things you do. 030113
x fuck 030113
Ouroboros amazing that i didn't kill myself or end up hospitalized this fall. i'm still breathing! rain pours and pours outside, i am warm and clean from a candle-lit bath. red rugs red couch orange and yellow tapestries and a map of the world. there is peace within me, soft and gentle, lighting me from behind my heart. my heart beats. my breath pulls in and out. there is no chaos, no destruction. i am alive and will ride out the waves of this life. 120120
beats 120120
what's it to you?
who go