silentbob i hear this word too often and it annoys the piss out of me. 020404
pilgrim Small bundled twigs
Used as kindling generally.

A demeaning term
Used by narrowminded people
To describe male homosexuals.

Six letters that when pronounced
Vibrate the air and generate
Varied reactions,
Depending on the context.
lulie I think it's the English slang for a cigarette.
I think it's an American slang for intolerance.
raze first day of high_school:

dressed up, the same way i dressed the last two years of grade school. it made me feel good about myself. and that was all anyone ever said about it. "you look nice today, john." one girl named brandy wrote in my grade eight yearbook, "please, johnny, don't wear dress pants in ninety-degree weather. you'll get heat stroke!" but she wasn't making fun of me. she was genuinely concerned. she was sweet like that.

it was different now, sitting on one of the swings in the park next to the school at lunchtime. a few seniors walked by. one of them whipped an empty glass bottle at me.

"fucking faggot!" he screamed.

his friends laughed. the bottle missed my head by half an inch. i felt the wind it made move against my cheek.

what's it to you?
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