DammitJanet you're the first one i've ever told.
i may have blabbed it on a drunken night to drunken patrons, but in that state it's never real.

but i told you. i told someone. and today i feel better.

it was the one thing in my life that i was truly ashamed of. that i even concidered it. that i was capable of it, even at such a young age and being so silent and nervous.

for some reason things are already looking better. the weight has been lifted and i can move on. and there's only room for improvement.

without you, i couldn't have done any of this.
thank you.
thank god for you.
DammitJanet i'm no longer feeling better.

now i'm just pissed off.
DammitJanet there's still so much that i can never confess
things no one can forgive me for
and it's not so much that i really need to confess them
these things are mine, and mine alone
i'm almost proud that i have them
and that the list is growing
i've been a bad, bad girl
drifter it's funny how some of the things we did when we were little, that made sense at the time, are the hardest to confess. I never told you what I used to do, when things seemed like they would never get better, because I am so ashamed of dropping that low. but also because it's such a big thing for me to say out loud and I'm scared that you won't realize 120228
antonio bandaras i am a woman. 120229
Soma I woke up at midnight and ate two 100g cans of mushroom pieces and stems, still cold as the pantry, then drank the liquid like it was a shot of alcohol. 240110
what's it to you?
who go