nr entertaining the idea that maybe people who say one thing and then act the opposite actually have different brains who want different things. maybe sometimes they fight, causing confusion and conflict in us. 160306
amy in red freud :

superego id

in my twenties, teaching chemistry, i thought the right brain, left brain distinction was doing a disservice to people who need to develop critical thinking skills (good ones) and creative thinking skills (ones that lead to insights), but in my relative maturity, I've seen that switching between left brain and right brain is mostly what i do, with occasional overarching reaches into combinations. not 0,1, or 2 but the 3 side of things. i'm not constantly into the 3 side of things, but i stretch for it, hope for it, cling to it. nutty.
nr it surprises me that these days i skew a bit left brain when i take those tests. i've always been right in the middle, but i think i've become more logical as i've got older. maybe. i'm not sure if it's a good or bad thing or neither. it's a help in some areas and a hindrance in others. 160308
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