silentbob well here i am
don't know how to say this
only thing i know
is awkward silence
your eyelids close
when you're around me
to shut me out
i'll make my way cross the frozen sea
across the blank horizon
where i can forget about you and me
and get a decent night's sleep
. silence 010918
pinion He looks so purty. Intentional long time no see. Maybe it's a sign that I'm ignoring. We should be spending more time together, but we're not forced into it, so we're not bothering. Or is that the case? 031024
puredream it was all so awkward.

is love like that?
cocoon Being around them is just;

I feel so awkward and out of place.
epitome of incomprehensibility The word *looks* awkward, with two w's surrounding another consonant. Since when do they do that? Maybe they're cushioning the blow, ensuring that the k is only slightly embarrassed about appearing here. 220905
kerry i used to enjoy running into jeff, one of us coming from or going to work

hey how's the pup
how's the new job
how's muay thai

it's halloween and i have no candy can i come sit on your stoop, i'll bring beer (goes home returns with two cold cans of beer and little wedges of lime tucked into the hole) (is it a hole you drink out of? i don't know the word)

come sit with me on my stoop when it's about to start drizzling, do you want to hit this joint
no that stuff doesn't agree with me anymore but thanks all the same

she moved out? and she took the dogs? (you look sadder than usual)

i'm going out on a first date, isn't it horrible, wish me luck

now when i see him walking on the sidewalk i cross my fingers hold my breath and hope he gets to his front door before we're close enough to do more than wave
you can only say let's go grab a drink sometime so many times and not follow up before it feels false and hollow and the truth is i would like to have a drink with him, i think, but maybe he's just a really nice guy

i do remember the way he looked at me when the four of us were at the cantina, or maybe it was just the way i felt he was looking at me, maybe i was misinterpreting, what i do know for sure is how it embarrassed me in a not entirely unpleasant way and i wondered if i was the only one who noticed

saw him yesterday carrying a big comforter and asked if he'd been to the dry cleaners and he said no, was visiting his mom in connecticut and she always insists on sending him home with a comforter
and he seemed like he wanted to run away

i dreamed last night that we tried to kiss each other and as we were leaning in i was questioning whether this was a good idea or not, making out with your neighbor, but it turned out that our lips were like two puzzle pieces that don't fit
what's it to you?
who go