Thyartshallshant atherblay isyay ordsway. unchesbay ofyay ordsway, ewnaboutstray inyay ayay istytway anglytay ebway ofyay ontificationpay, insightyay andyay onsensicaldelightnay.
utbay eallyray it'syay anyay experimentyay otay eesay atwhay apethisshay illway aketay enwhay eftlay atyay youray ercymay. aketay ayay andergay andyay etlay usyay owknay atwhay youthinkay.

eesay ecentray additionsyay, owhay athesblay.
ethay orkspay ehayashayanabscayonyatheiptayofyayishayenispayomfrayasturbatingmayoomayuchtay

anday atthay asway oremay anthay eway eedednay otay owknay
ShilohLives I still can't figure it out...(stupid homeschooled sheltered girl)... 030623
er24usay ellway, histay isay anay erestinginteray athblay. 030624
atherblay ellspay eckchay isthay 030624
carlita just realized that pig_latin is a lot easier to understand when spoken than written 030624
u24 anksthay 040826
what's it to you?
who go