
x added a few 030908
. you're the only 'skite that looks just like i thought you would. 030908
lotuseater does anyone even remember me?
good people
subterennean visions

well, pics of me at
delial I remember you, but I'm new so you don't know me.

cool art work.
nomme updated her folder at the yahoo album 030910
nomme by the way user24 if you happen to read this , great idea on the art folder! anyone got any scribbles to add?
no reason

actually...this isn't MY album...but i'll put it up because i don't know how to put them on one of my own without them being tiny. i'm the one in the middle. a little bit puffy cheeked cuz i had gotten my wisdom teeth out the morning before. this picture makes me laugh. ;) the event wasn't as somber as we made it look...

the rest are of friends and their siblings...take a look if you want, just don't tell gordon_downie_incarnate that his album's in blatherspace! ;)
misstree another new pic. may or may not banish it without warning. 031003
pobodys nerfect aww...I tried to log in and add some of my sunset pics but it keeps saying that it's the incorrect password. =( 031004
mon i just tried and it worked for me. try again?
pobodys nerfect *hugs* thank you,mon. I misread what it said at the top of this page as being a new password. I tried using the old one,and of course I got in. *blushes
tomato red*
It let me create the album,but after 4 patient tries,it wouldn't upload them. I'm sleepy,so I'll try again tomorrow.
pobodys nerfect Voila! They're up now. Enjoy. =) 031005
grendelbirdmad as card XV i put my one successful revision of one of my tarot card illustrations in the artwork folder 031006
realistic optimist not sure how long i will be brave enough to host my pic, but here it is: 031006
sans nom very
werewolf stork daddy's hat is in the ring for now! 031006
realistic optimist well im no longer brave enough, so my pic is now hosted at rehtalb 031006
realistic optimist it amazes me how beautiful the pictures of you blatherskites are! i added a couple submissions to the art folder... i hope they arent to big i tried to prune em down. 031006
TalviFatin I added a few photos and a little artwork! I love you guys! 031010
User24 nice artwork everyone,

my fave is nomme's taste on lips.
... TalviFatin and girl_jane you are both amazing looking you should both really be actresses or sumthing. 031011
jane added more... 031011
misstree moved some stuff, finally made me own dang folder, posted 2 new pics to it. 031011
realistic optimist you should talk, girl jane, you are quite droolalicious yourself! and dont forget bespectacled! eep! i think i'm going to need a drool trough! 031011
realistic optimist oops i just found jane's folder. my drool trough runneth over! 031011
stork daddy yeah i'm all over the place now my friends 031011
endless desire

im really digging the ones of my family. i love my family. rock on. the ones i added certainly aren't good pictures of me nor are they all that recent, but they're still pictures. next i want to make a folder of pictures i wish were never take before. im sure those will entertain you all. i have plenty.
nom thanks 24! was a fun scribble 031011
x love catglassfoot
can't find jane
realistic optimist siily x you gotsta log in to see jane. she's 1337 cuz she's so hawt. 031012
notme :) 031012
Death of a Rose what can I say, wow! No words this time. 031012
x dropped some, added some 031012
Death of a Rose're black cat looks like my sable. Name of yours? 031013
endless desire im so frustrated. i said i had put new pictures on that site, but when i went to the name, it didnt have any. i think that's because all the other pictures are under "private" so no one can see them even though i said to put them under "public." it told me to go to "edit" to change it but i can't find "edit" and jeez i hate computers. ugh to the max. 031013
x his name is diesel 031013
peyton why is everyone whose picture I see.. hot

that's.. unsettling for some reason
girl_jane Yeah...everybody that's posted pictures-they're all hot.

And jane, thank you very much. It's funny that you said something about being an actress...I am actually majoring in theatre :)


Anyway, as far as I'm concerned, everybody here at blather is beautiful!
no reason oh my god.
dafremen, you have a doppelganger. he just happens to be my jazz workshop instructor.
holy crap.
jane actually girl_jane i can't take credit for that comment...
it was the work of "..."
although i do agree
girl_jane Shit-I should read more closely, and not read when I'm tired. Sorry for the mix-up. 031014
wingedSerpent the only digital picture i have of me is the one i altered to more accurately reflect how sick i was at the time that i had put up over at the other picture site

other than that, having a "face made for radio", i typically go where the camera is not,
Road endless...edit is up and to your right 031015
. . 031015
endless desire alas! why thank you road! yay. i feel as though i have mastered the art of computers. unfortunately, i have come no where close. i mean, it's not that im terrible with computer. i type miserably fast and can do anything with powerpoints and projects and all that crap. but my whole life i've had a slow internet connection so i've never been able to explore the vast world wide web. HOWEVER! soon we are getting DSL or something and then, life shall be grand. and i will be able to download all that mp3 jazz RO talked about and actually get my pictures to work. anyways, i figured it out so now i actually have new pictures. for some reason, my favourite one is empty. i'll figure it out when my computer isn't tired. oh and i'll add some to the blather album. im sorry i haven't yet. i feel like im doing it all wrong. oh_well
User24 wishes he had a digital camera so he could get better pics of himself. 031015
endless oh btw, dax, your pictures rocked. i think my favourite was one with you in a blue sweater, though, i dont remember. anyways, they were the best by far. 031016
cupcake omg everybody is so pretty! and daf i didnt know you were that old, i thought you were like 25 or something! and stork daddy you look like an actor but i cant think og which one but i was almost afraid that if i looked you wouldn't be as cute as i thout you would but you are! who is the girl in the pictures though is she your girlfriend? and realistic optimist i think that the moustache looks weird on you but you would look really cute if you shaved it! 031017
notme heavens, when it comes to y'all,... picking favourites it's difficult for me...
but i thought i'd have a go at it since i'm such a ninny right now with nothing/everything better to do atm
i think every face here is mentionable

so,....drum roll, envelope please

in alphabetical order:

bespeckled: outside
ClairE: and her awesome brother
Dafremen: rides
death_of_a_rose: little bug
girl_jane: old photo of grandparents
jane: roy lichtenstein
mistree: sparklies
realistic_optimist: playing footbag
silentbob: silentbob and almostautumn
TalviFatin: Kiss meh
werewolf: insight
x: i'm a halo bender

to all the single photolers:
hey they're great too :)

keep shining you beautiful peepla
nom btw i was only looking at the yahoo album,
and if i missed someone, sorry
realisitic optimist cupcake: yeah it kinda looks like i have a chocolate milk mustache in that picture hehe. I did recently shave off my goatee, but now i have my sideburns longer.

nom: OMGOMGOMG i made your top favorites list! daf, can i borrow that tux you said you have no use for?!
nom btw endless i checked your album as well,
and i have to say your family photos are lovely. i love family photos :)
i'd post some of my own,.. but my kin wouldn't appreciate that.
nom oh and i just love birdmad's tarot card!
makes me want to start back up with the tarot card making
birdmad couldnt spell serpent for some reason to quote Dan Aykroyd in Twilight Zone, The Movie

"Wanna see something really scary?"

pics up
stork daddy ooooh...cupcake has a crush on me! and i think that she's just the best!! as i do of anyone who has a crush on me. anyways, very nice of you to say nice things about me cupcake, but what's your guide dog's name? 031017
Dafremen I'm just really depressed that no one thought I was "so hawt." Congratulations jane. Sigh....

Oh and thanks notme. That's my second favorite photo. The black n white is my favorite. I'll never forget our two trips to La Sierra Oscura. Gawd the living up there people. It's hard, but REAL. (The weed and moonshine aren't too shabby either.)
Dafremen there are pictures of all of the kids up there and some more of me and the missus. 031017
pobodys nerfect I took mine down the other day because nobody seemed to give a fuck... =( 031017
Dafremen Now HOW exactly am I supposed to give a f*ck if I can't see them?! Couldja? Wo0dja? Puuuhlease!? 031017
nom hey i thought they were great pobody :) 031017
silentbob bird- if i were a girl, i would do you. 031018
TalviFatin I added a couple pictures :) 031018
Dafremen Ha! Ha! Bob wants to be a girl!

(By the way, is that stork or werewolf in the dress? Nice gams!)
silentbob again, i'd like to point out that talvifatin is the most attractive girl to add pictures to the yahoo blather thing yesterday. 031018
realistic optimist claire: i'm sorry about your fish. :/ my first goldfish (one of thise in a baggy deals) experience was pretty sad. i went to change his bowl for the first time, and put water in teh sink to put him into while i changed out his water. poor guy. it was too hot, and he cooked in there. 031018
realistic optimist talvin: you seem so sad in all of your pictures. you make me want to throw pd's magic glitter all around you. can i put in a request for a smile in one of the pictures in your next batch? 031018
stork daddy took down all my old pictures and put up all new ones. for one week's time they shall remain. then they shall return to dust! 031018
stork daddy and perceptive people are sad right? tee hee. that's why i'm not. she looks morticia addams without the laugh track. 031018

i finally got some batteries

Dafremen posted one of his Photoshop creations. 031018
Freak I posted some new pictures including a nudie one!! hehe 031020
User24 watches as the entire population of blather hit yahoo.. hehe. 031020
Death of a Rose stylin tattoo Freak. 031020
Freak why thank you! :-D 031020
Death of a Rose No, no, thank you. 031020
minnesota_chris I added some things I landscaped to the artwork page!

now I just have to download a picture of me, all muscly, before they all go away...
endless desire added homecoming pictures 031021
Freak i think notme is going to have to revise the favorites list now! 031021
nom goody gumdrops i get to pick more!
birdmad: scary monsters super freaks
Freak: me and my daddy
minnesota chris: as buddha
pobody: sunset 4
user24: user24 (sorry forgot you in the first list, you do qualify afterall)

and just a_friendly_reminder
if you're not in the list
it's not because i don't wuv wu,
it's 'cause you need at least
two (or more) pics in the yahoo album
for me to be able to choose a fave!
that includes artwork or regular photos

geez why am i babbling on like this

loves all the pictures
User24 well said, I hate favorites lists; one favorite (is that spelled ok?..) is fine, but as soon as you start to list, you find yourself listing everyone for fear of accidental insult. 031022
phil 031023
ClairE I didn't realize there are blathes directed at me in here! I'm glad that the picture of my brother is liked, I love him to death even if he can be an obnoxious little upstart, and thanks to realistic optimist for the sympathy for my poor dead fish. It's nice to see what everyone looks like (hence the creation of a photo album). 031023
nomme that is one tripped_out pic phil 031023
stork daddy all such interesting looking people 031023
Bizzar 031024
celestias shadow i might put up a pic eventually. if
1. my scanner starts working


2. i wasn't so afraid.

i look terrible in pictures. y'all are such cool and prettiful people. methinks i might be better remaining anonymous. maybe it's better to stay a shadow.
- oh, do post a picture, shadow. . . i love what you write so much, i would so love to see a picture of you. do not be afraid. . . rest assured that you are beautiful -- even if you dont know it, i do.

dont fear
phil ...and (and this is great now) even if you are ugly, you will just make it easier for everyone else. And instead of just being an ugly (whatever you are) you can be an ugly (whatever that hideous deformity calls itself) that helps not quite so unfortunate faces get deserved attention, while yours is more of a lesser novelty, theirs may contribute in some remarkable way of their own. 031025

The more you know.
Freak I just added a picture of the pumpkins my dad carved for this contest. You gotta check it out it is sooooo cool! 031026
karl the weed whoa i like the pic phil its... weird. 031026
celestias shadow will someone give me the link to the blather album?

*can't find anything*
from the top of the page

celestias shadow ah, i found it. thank ye kindly.

after looking at all the pictures, i have arrived at the conclusion that you are all very beautiful people. this partly encourages me to look for pictures of moi to post, and partly makes me want to hide all said pictures from ever seeing the light of day again. we shall see.
. i'm not beautiful 031027
celestias shadow yes you are 031027
celestias shadow *clickclickhummmmbuzzzzzarghgrumblewhirrrr.......poof* 031028
silentbob celestias shadow

i don't know if i saw your name before today
but in you're pictures

youre totally cute. and i like that about you.
especially the mickey one, and the hand art one.
realistic optimist girl jane? is that you?? 031028
endless desire hahahahaha 031029
Doar loved the handart, celestias. Tres bien. 031029
realistic optimist shadow, your pictures rock! and you've got the most wonderful big eyes and full lips, but if you are under 18 i mean that in a purely aesthetic way... 031029
celestias shadow thank you all.....*blushes very much* i am most flattered. no more compliments, please. i only allow myself 5 or so per year.

yeah, the um, the hand art *giggles* that was last year in math class. i was in a class lower than i was supposed to be and my teacher was a very short italian pedophile with a lisp. needless to say, i ignored him the entire year. i wrote songs on my arm in sharpie. thus, the hand art was born.

i could be 18 i suppose....but actually all of those pics were taken when i was 14. except the california one.
notme yay! celestias_shadow
yay! once_again
yay! Freaky pumpkin
jane celestias_shadow

what is written on your hand/arm?
it's brilliant
i used to do that all the time too
good times
witchesrequiem Yahoo profile for yournewaddiction 031030
blah-ze mah dawg's on there now... a pic my sister took ages ago and put on business cards... prolly shoulda put it in art. 031030
realistic optimist oops!! *blush* sorry girl_jane! the way i did that last link produces totally random results, instead of showing the picture i had intended, which actually somewhat looked like you (although your pictures are truly much prettier). it was supposed to be funny, not totally random. the link i was trying for was:
realistic optimist (which makes me wonder what endless desire was laughing at, and if it was from the link i posted, what picture she saw?) 031030
nom when i checked it, it was two kittens on a couch
i was wondering at first for a second then realized it was a 'random' pic
girl_jane Haha-You're forgiven. The picture I got was some women spraying an air freshener with a caption that says, "Smells like bullshit." I was a little thrown off, but it all makes sense now.

Oh, and, I've never worked at hooters.
pobodys nerfect This is very late,but thank you nom. I always forget to check back on blather pages to see if there's been a reply. Me
bad. =/ Even if I'm seeing it late,your reply made my day--when I first took those pics I shared them with a guy friend and his comment to them was that a picture of my chest would be more interesting to him,and it disappointed me because I was really hoping for a serious comment on how they looked. So thank you bunches. =)

Also,I changed my pics. One with some of my snowmen on my bed(taken in July).
Some childhood pics,and the cross stitched santa I made for my mom in the artwork folder.
minnesota_chris those are only some of your snowmen? You are definitely going bonkers up there. Do they have names? 031105
p2 more info on that toy yoda pic...
snowman obsessed pobody chris:see "snowmen" for my reply. =) 031105
REAListic optimIST damn they took down the pic i linked to. they just want to life difficult for me ;) 031105
x new one that i like muchly 031105
nom (continuing list)
endless desire - awww

pobody you are so adorndable. i am obsessed with landscapes and sunsets so i truly loved the sunset pics..
and i luva the snowymen!

whoever posted silhouetteart: it's very cool

what a cuhyute dawgy blah-ze
Dafremen has left a gift for you in artwork. 031107
Freak I put a picture in the artwork folder of my brother's bedroom wall. One day while he was at school we redecorated his whole room. It was a "While Zach was out" day. New furniture, bed, painted wall, everything. It was so fun! I love my brother so much!

I also put some more pictures in my folder.
ClairE I am mightily impressed with the skite_artwork. If I were to put anything there, it would be a scan of a poem... 031112
smurfus rex I put some up too.

hope you don't mind. :)
mon continuing list smurfus_rex : Me and my best girl friend 031117
notme and how could anyone mind? 031117
notme i think i forgot to list a fave for celestias_shadow ? moops!
: california flying
monadh i like your muchly cool recent one x

and silentbob -hey you! what were you drawing on that back in 'drawing'?

nice artwork daf and freak
minnesota_chris did i mention that's a tripnin patio! luvalee,.. i want one

i added a fresh painting to the rehtalb skite art folder,
there are also more pictures of it in my stuffastuffstuff album @

the first painting i've done in forever
x the two pictures of endless desire and her sister are the ones that i keep coming back to. they appeal to me in some fundamental way that i don't quite understand yet. 031117
Bespeckled Took one down, added some more 031122
Death of a Rose talvifatin....damn, liked your 'eyes' picture.. 031123
endless desire i love being able to remember when someone was born.
when annie was born, i thought she couldn't open her eyes.
i thought she couldn't open her eyes like puppies can't.
i used to read this book about puppies and how they grow up.
and then she opened her eyes and they were blue.
and i made her a doll with long blonde hair, blue eyes, and a big heart.
nom that's beautiful endless 031124
endless desire thanks nom.
im about to add pictures to blather picture book.
but you guys should check them out. . .
nora and i had fun.
(under 'new pics'
Little Lost Riding Hood Nice photos Endless! Pretty girl....

Why cant I access any other ones? Every one elses that I click on just takes me to some random Yahoo page - and no photos! So annoying - can anyone shed any light?
nomme little lost did you solve the problem you were having with access?

and by the by,
i spy with my little eye
somebody submitted some impressive artwork!
nom wish i could tell what the words say 031214
mon added her most recent painting 031214
Little Lost Riding Hood No I never did Nomme. can you help?!

Or U24 in your infinite knowledge perhaps you can cast me a line here?
Road endless...

are you stealing road signs from my highway again?

u24 LLRH, what browser are you using and do you have cookies and javascript enabled? 031214
nomme at the help desk

so, what happens when you go there?
does nothing appear?
silentbob i added one 031220
x i think it would be funny if someone added captions to mine. or at least interesting. 031221
nomme to:
the creator of the picture with words

i really want to know what they say
i think it beautiful
endless desire im dying to take a picture of my knees and say how much everyone likes them. i have big knees too. but ive always hated them. 031225
the creator of the picture with words from left counter clockwise:

will you be my avon queen
will you subdue me with
your cat like tendencies

will you stop driving so fast
my car can't catch up
with yours.

Like a falling leaf, he twists beneath his head and prepares to land
with absent fear and a steady ear, he smoothly puts out his hand.

as i will always somewhat wonder
why genius bursts and spreads asunder

But I also don't feel the need to listen, when maybe I should have

i think i'm working too hard at this

see now I feel much better.
nomme very nice!
i could see some of the words but others were too fuzzy to be clear
great to read them now
u24 likes 'from a sketch' very much indeed. 031231
damn. off. 031231
phil well right now, I just shaved my head
I should put up some "after" photos, maybe in a few weeks. After I beat GTA3.
phil unless you created the account I don't think you should be deleting anything. 040227
soulesswanderer 040227
magicforest I'm at the "rehtalb" link, I think. 040228
Adriana / Bespeckled / pralines Updated my pics.

Daxle, I added captions to two of your pics (0006 and last halloween).
mon updated as well, most will be gone soon 040308
mon if anyone encounters a problem with there being not enough space to upload, let us know and i'll delete my pics so there is more space 040308
nomme thinks phil should add some "after" pics 040308
whitechocolatewalrus i've left some pictures of my eye. 040309
ee beep peep i would put up some pictures but i won't, for privacy.i dont want anyone that knows me finding this site and seeing pictures of me. ooohh...i'd be in sooo much trouble :( 040310
a casual fan stork daddy has been spotted wearing a hawaiian_flowered_dress. And what may i ask is the reason for this? 040316
stork daddy because the other dresses i have weren't as slimming. 040317
werewolf why didn't i know a girl like magicforest or daxle in highschool? alack alack alack. 040317
hipper than hip and just a hint: try to avoid dresses made out of spandex. 040317
stork daddy no here's a hint for you. try to avoid me when i'm wearing spandex. 040317
cooler than cool avoid you? that clingly outfit of yours is simply inviting us to stare at you and drool... 040317
stork daddy oh who are you, i must know. i mean, you simply have impeccable taste. 040317
p2 i disagree
i find his/her taste
completely peccable
stork daddy as if someone so liable to sin could possibly know what's beyond sinning. as if a faulty logic can establish a faultless one. 040317
p2 proving by disproving
is done all the time
i know the filth
by reveling in it
stork daddy it's not proving by disproving. to establish a faultless logic, even through a faulty one you need a unfaulted logic to make that connection. if your logic is still faulted, you won't see that it was disproven, since that would involve a logic not totally flawed. also...i was talking about myself, not you. 040317
stork daddy you have to know it's a sin before you can stop sinning. 040317
girl_jane I added a new picture...I may add more depending on if I find more... 040422
endless desire i added new pictures of me. just because the old ones were really old. say 'ello 040505
princessparanoia man, you guys are all so pretty. this makes me want to burn all pictures of myself, and also makes me glad i'm a nobody around here and no one cares about me. 040506
silentbob i care about you and i want to see pictures of you 040507
minnesota_chris I was going to say "I'm glad you're a nobody too!" But I thought that would be TOO mean. 040507
nomme princessparanoia, everyone is somebody. please don't feel too ugly to add your pics. i feel ugly 97.68% of the time, and i've got lots of pics in there.
i like seeing pictures of skites (no i'm not a weird stalker or anything) i just think it's cool to see the faces behind the names, which is why i helped to start the yahoo rehtalb album (after the picturetrail account died).

each and every face is a story to be told.

i was making a favourites list before, to try to encourage people to add their pics. it was about seeing the coolness in everyone, making sure everybody got mentioned, not who is prettiest. anyway, i have a feeling it was getting on a few nerves, so i stopped, but if anyone wants me to pick any new faves, just ask (not that anyone will).
PrincessParanoia yeah, i know that. i just have no self esteem sometimes.

and i take pictures. i don't let people take pictures of me, so anyone who cares is out of luck. i don't have pics of myself.

oh, and the art is very cool. especially birdmad's tarot card. many props to everyone who has art up there.
magicforest That thing about annie was beautiful, desirue. 040507
kookaburra the only one on the page who looks like i thought is silentbob.
you look exactly how i thought.
and maybe x, but her hair seems wrong...
sahba this is crazy
sahba how many of you have actually met each other 040509
FYI blatherskites_i_have_met 040509
silentbob i want to see kookaburra 040510
kookaburra ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!
well, maybe when i wake up beautiful, but not until then...
endless desire i want to see her too.

thankyou eyedream. i miss you.
endless desire and you know what's sad? i just realized very recently that rehtalb is blather backwards. i always wondered why we used that word.

*smacks head* i swear im not as stupid as i sound.
kookaburra well i added some pictures.
yay me.
mood ring but now i wanna see skinny.
she seems awesome.
pwetty pweeze??
silentbob yaaaaay!! kookaburra = pretty pretty pretty 040604
kookaburra thank you!!!
(still dont believe it)
but it makes me happy anyways...
endless desire holy crap kooka, you're gorgeous! woooowwwwww 040605
minnesota_chris you don't look insane... :) 040605
kookaburra :D
but i am inzane...
i actually have a piccy of me looking like somebody from blair witch.

omigod...i hear something...

the sad thing is that i didnt mean to look weird. it just came out that way.
dosquatch You're a cutie, kooka :-)

I have a couple of pics of myself somewhere from when I still had long hair. If I can dig one up, maybe I'll post it.
some birds hate mirrors self portrait sketch of me with my hair down.

i grow my hair long to hide the fact that i think i've got a more crooked_head than most people
camera-shy bird updated the sketch, adjusted the proportions and "combed" the hair 040624
. hat girl has nice pants 040718
silentbob I have new ones. 040718
kookaburra wow, i really like that mirror pic
is such a stalker
silentbob people should add more 040721
puredream has added an album... 040721
stork daddy added some. by the way puredream, i just wanted to say that the bliss you exhibited in that first picture was pleasant to look at. 040722
kookaburra hee hee, take a look at my updated album... 040722
puredream thank you stork daddy... come to think of it... yes that was pure bliss... 040722
spiffy 040723
daxle added a few more

i'm never quite sure where to stop. i have countless pictures of myself around.
megan finally got around to updating 040723
newme i just noticed there doesn't seem to be a storage limit anymore?! 040801
newme um,...yay! 040801
newme well i added myself back (again),...
nothing new, just some of the same old photos as before.
daxle oh such pictures did i add! 040802
daxle i decided to spare you all the pictures from thanks_kitty and my naked sunburn pictures 040802
silentbob i wanna see naked sunburn pictures
everyone should post some
magicforest photos added

(no sunburns though, sorry)
birdmad added new ones, including the oft-mentioned but generally elusive Tonya and Shadow 040803
silentbob i also added some 040803
uow added new ones now 040806
Lila Pause added. 040806
uow i made a skite scape album for y'all

and i put a few pictures in it to get it started

also added a couple paintings to the skite art album
silentbob i'm totally going to play with that 040807
misstree added some pics from jellystone and after, will likely strip most of them after not too long. 040808
uow coolness 040809
uow tonya & shadow = cute

one of my cats is black
she's quite fat, i love her
uow spiffy, i see you're quite talented with the pencils and pastels.
i love the dove picture. beautiful.
misstree removed the piccy of lemon_soda. bad tree, bad bad tree. self-flagellation is scheduled.

i also have a personal album with a million and one pics of everything under the sun at phraktaltree23's account on yahoo pictures.

daxle i put one of me dressed up for the white trash luau last night that amuses me greatly 040819
Death of a Rose I still think yow is my favourite, besides the knees one you took down.

dax you should czech your mail, then 040819
Doar I'm taking that picture home and framing it. 040820
. has anyone ever noticed that the title of this blath is spelled incorrectly? 040904
. it bothers me every time 040904
. noticed but tactfully said nothing 040905
. howso is it spelled incorrectly? 040905
no reason uow,
i love the scapes. are they in b.c.?
. blatherSKITES 040905
daxle try and find that word in the dictionary. we, as a group, made up several words that describe what are also know as "blatherers".
sheesh. now you're gonna tell me i misspelled "farky"!
uow yes they are no_reason.
i took those on a walk near my home.
the first three ones)]
i believe the others are silentbob's)]

i'm always taking pictures:

glad you liked those ones.
birdmad added a new tarot card design to the skite artwork folder 040909
no reason ok, so i finally joined the digital camera bandwagon and put some pictures up, of me with way too long hair. 040909
XK =KX? 040909
m21k Mathematically:-

K & X are "Commutative"
. M Note:

XK = X*K & KX = K*X, where

* is a binary operation...
u24 hate to say this, daxle, but:

not that blatherer is not there.
daxle according to the etymology we're full of shit, nice :) 040910
somebody Black_Hole? 040910
Go Ahead and Guess for a limited time only,
Comments will be accepted on
tattoos currently being placed
on this body.

Can you guess who it is? tattoos

DannyH Added pictures of the latest model of human being. 051228
Doar tired of looking at my back?

well now you can view my full frontal!

emmi how strange... i suppose i always imagined that blatherskites would all be disfigured in some way or perhaps just disturbingly beautiful... but no... we all look pretty much the same... 061030
u24 doar; you really don't look as i imagined.
not that i imagined you looking like anything in particular, but if i had imagined you in some way, that photo wouldn't be it.
it's neither or good nor bad thing, just a statement.
u24 so many times i look at those photos and think "hey, I thought they were (fe)male!"

Doar now you can see why I scare children so easily....come to mention it adults and seniors and small animals as well.

Death of a Rose One more shot of me looking as wide awake as I always.


ps. don't expect this to stay for very long.

Death of a Rose One more shot of me looking as wide awake as I always am.


ps. don't expect this to stay for very long.

Mr. Double Post doh! 061030
Doar 3 more pics showing one of my new rides.

you are soooo jealous right now, I can tell..... :-)
Doar okay...maybe not. yahoo is being cranky today. my new ride does exist....i swear. you may now discontinue your jealousy and begin your disbelief. 061031
old grendel - new cave soon as i can borrow my brother's digital cam i will put up shots of my old house and the interior of my new apartment as well as the before and after of the impending haircut 061101
Doar jebus doar, when each picture file size is 2.56MB you know yahoo ain't gonna like you.

Phew! Resized pic's of Death's horse are now available for viewing.
jane my more recent pictures are up on spyspace (aka myspace) - so if you're really interested, you can stalk me there. 061101
twenty I am there, but it is still more then than now. 061102
thorn Uploaded a picture of my and my new hair color. 061104
thorn *me and my 061104
Bespeckled Are all the pictures gone? 090505
u24 that's weird. I'm sure there would have been discussion on this blathe about how someone went in and deleted all the pictures and then changed the password.

and then how anne-girl set up a photo wiki whose address I can't remember.

I know I didn't imagine all that happening, so where is it?
u24 ah, here we go:

from: pictures_of_blatherskites
unhinged my personal myspace 090506
Death of a Rose Well, that was hella cool. Maybe I'll reveal myself to the world....sadly I'll be copywrited and patent pending.

ergo Will you be in fringes? 090507
meta meta 090507
jane anyone is welcome to see mine on myspace. 090507
silentbob 121223
blown cherry Bobby I think the beard suits you even better these days than it did before :)

This was taken in May:
what's it to you?
who go