psyki ===

there is a statue in the lobby of the computer building.
it looks like a big penis.
what does it mean?
and why do i feel compelled to touch it every time i walk past?
psyki ===

there is a statue in the lobby of the computer building.
it looks like a big penis.
what does it mean?
and why do i feel compelled to touch it every time i walk past?
psyki ===

there is a statue in the lobby of the computer building.
supposed to be some type of modern art.
it looks like a big penis.
what does it mean?
and why do i feel compelled to touch it every time i walk past?
Tink i think the biggest question ought to be: "why did you feel compelled to say that three times?" not that it would be a criticism. i'm actually interested in stuff like that. call me crazy 000419
silentbob're nuts. 000603
ass facely tinl walks amok 001007
ass facely i spell tink "t-i-n-l" cuz i went to school in west virginia. 001007
"Ancient Pagan"
The penis is the most pervertedly maligned member of the human body. In anthropology there is a classification of 'sick society' for one in which the customs work against the health, security, and psychological happiness of its members. The body is an extension of the mind, and however we oppress or damage the body so we damage the mind. The conceptual-perceptual mutilation of the penis began in the West during the Christian Roman Empire (post c.324 A.D.) and never before existed in that region!
Lack of sunlight, wind and tight undergarments create sanitation problems & uphold the myth of circumcision. (This custom, though dating back to the late stoneage, is one only a sick society could uphold as NECESSARY--mark its similarity to aestetic cusmoms such as piercing, tatooing and stylized bump-forming on the flesh: all these are fine if chosen voluntarily and even circumcision MIGHT be fine if one chooses it voluntarily for aestheics). The penis was NEVER designed by Nature for the circumstance of incessant covering: add that to centuries of unhealthy diet, and fifty years of fast food, and NO WONDER everyone is absurdly ill, particularly in their manhood!
Let me debunk two myths about the penis: it does not flop around during prolonged liberation & it does not preoccupy a man with sex (but Junk Food is a malign aphrodisiac: see writings of Johnny Lovewisdom). What did Natural Man do in times of old? Did he obisify infront of a computer? He, at the least, spent much of his time striding around. When a man is slightly mildly active--as when playing or gathering food--the testicles & penis shrink to a minimal size & maximum tautness (you can witniss this transformation on anthropology videos of naked tribes). The testicles, when relaxed also shrink upon exposure to hot or cold (but not mild) temperatures. Regarding nudity and concupiscence, when a man customarily relaxes naked, even with friends of opposite or same sex, the novelty dissipates within days or hours and a natural view of the body ensues.

K.R.'s message: question custom: it usually has no objective basis; practice naturism: it increases mental focus overall & can positively change your life; wear loose undergarments such as boxer shorts: the added space for movement causes the penis to revert to its natural, forward-pointing (and thus larger looking) position. If you practice these you will be amazed at the degree clothism & tight undergarments have warped the shape & functioning of the reproductive region.
stork daddy my question is this...are so many things shaped like penises because it is merely a functional shape (keys, spears, pencils etc.), which would explain how the penis got it's shape perhaps to begin with, or does society subconsciously and anciently rather consciously seek to worship it's genitals. And when will we see the liberated day when i can have a writing utensil that looks like a vagina? 020507
tiny i don't know about writing utensil, but i guess a computer mouse is the closest thing to your wish coming true.
click click click.
stork daddy what kind of computer mouse do you have? 020507
Lucy One day, me and my friends, Erin and Olivia were in the car with Olivia's dad driving. We wanted breath mints, but Olivia didn't want us to take them. Erin says: "We all have PHALLIC breath!!" Olivia's dad gives her a look. Erin had no clue what it means. I was laughing like a mofo. 040216
Amused Hey! who ever wrote the 1st entry... there is a phallic piece of modern art in front of my school near the drama department... It's like a big grey statue of a like, 4' high penis. fun! 040216
.fallen what is the female equivalent of this word? hmmmm? 040216
misstree vulvic?
cunty works for me.
(wow! that object is cunty fresh!)
Philosophistry vulvic? how about "holy" 040307
cmr i got to this page in looking for the answer to the very same question. the opposite of phallic is yonic, coming from yoni (phallus). so there you go! 040330
strawberryxgash I thought phallic was any kind of genitalia. Like in Freud.. Phallic stage.. thats not just for boys... 040331
ethereal I just laughed so hard I choked on jello. This page is funny. I'm glad that someone wants a pencil shaped like a vagina. 040331
pete The greeks marched around with giant phallus's to worship dionysus. The Siva linga looks like a phallus. Dionysus's aniconic form is the phallus chicken.. oh prof stratton how ill miss you! 040401
andru235 has anyone else noticed that the chest of a man with extreme muscular development looks rather phallic?

and the head begins to look like cum, in the midst of shooting

i can't decide if this is a turn off or a turn on
what's it to you?
who go