cali j Someone once said it is better to let them think you are a fool then to open your mouth and remove all doubt...
I choose to be foolishly happy thank you very much
Dafremen I don't believe that anyone who's opening their mouth to pleasure me is making a fool of themselves. 010531
unhinged uuuhh...eeewww 010531
lost lol i dont think he meant it like that. although that was what i though at first. 010607
silentlybroken Mark Twain spoke those immortal words. I am perplexed to the extreme by your desire to leave this sanctuary with no record of your presence aside from a quote, wouldn't you rather record a testament to yourself? Something that will out_last your days and serve as a remembrance forevermore? Wilt_thou_leave_me_so_unsatisfied? 031211
what's it to you?
who go