devalis It's not about the pain. It's about someone purposely jabbing a sharp object into your flesh and making you believe that it's for your own good. 021001
Torch yeah i have a wierd fear of needles i don't like getting shots or getting blood taken but I got my labret pierced and I want a tatoo 021001
merf needles verify your humanity
yes, there are organs and blood under that skin
so where are you, my little needle?
MollyCule I have to do 7 - count em, 7 - shots each and every day, or i'll die. thank god i have no needle fears. 021002
birdmad two a day here plus two fingersticks, plus my former habit began with a needle, so i have no fear of them, i'm just not terribly fond either 021002
silentbob so where are you, my little needle? 021002
Freak I feel the same way as devalis. Your forced to just take it as someone jabs a needle into your skin. It seems so grotesque. I wonder what it feels like to be the stabber, the feeling of the persons skin resisting penetration until it can't any longer then plunges into the underlying flesh. 021002
gay gizmo I dont mind needles for some reason. I look forawrd to giving blood. To watch the needle get closer and clser to my skin. Finally punturing and drawing blood. Watching the blood pump through the clear tubes. I dont know why, but I like them.

I dont understand themn at all though. OK, if you poke a hole in your vein, so the blood goes in the needle. and then you withdraw the needle and cover the hole on top of your skin. Theres still a hole in your vein. Where does the blood go?? Is it just spurting into....into what? more blood? is all blood in your veins? or is some just, just there? I dont understand. so so confused
~gez~ piercing my flesh as you pierce my heart. blood dibbles slowly, as does love trickle form my emphasised veins. the pain and trickle of warm blood is an unusual sensation, one i like.
loving you is not unknown to me, but it makes me feel better

does tha make any sense whatsoever?
google roogles Stage 1: The blood vessel is damaged and the bleedings starts.

Stage 2: The blood vessels constrict to slow the flow of blood to the injured area.

Stage 3: Platelets stick to, and spread on, the walls of damaged blood vessels. This is called platelet adhesion. These spreading platelets release substances that activate other nearby platelets which clump at the site of injury to form a platelet plug. This called platelet aggregation.

Stage 4: The surface of these activated platelets then provides a site for blood clotting to occur. Clotting proteins like Factor VIII and IX circulating in the blood are activated on the surface of the platelets to form a mesh-like fibrin clot.
merf and to answer the other part of the question, blood isn't just in veins. the circulatory system goes in levels like pipes, arteries are bigger than veins, and eventually down to capilaries. all the different organs in your body (including bones, skin etc) need a blood supply to transport things to and from them. 021002
gay gizmo hmmm, maybe I'm just stupid but it still does not make complete sense to me. I dont believ in physics either by the way...I know I know, crazy.I guess I am 021002
Machiavelli70 I can't even look at a drawing of an IV to do a math problem. 040308
unhinged i let someone jab little needles in me weekly and im contemplating tattoo number seven...

fear, i laugh in the face of fear
what's it to you?
who go