misstree You are standing at the base of a tree about six feet across, and tall enough that you lose perspective just looking up at it. It dominates this little corner of the park, and throws dappled shade over an area the size of a basketball court.

You gaze serenely about, listening to leaves rustle and birds chirp, and all seems completely Right in the world. A breeze sweeps past, and you notice that a little patch of shadow doesn't quite dapple or sway as it should.

You spend a few moments comparing where this object should be to parts of the tree, but every branch seems to be accounted for, and something about it is undeniably angular. You decide to investigate, get what you believe to be some sort of idea of where it should be, and hoist yourself up into the tree. Though your foot nearly slides into a good-sized hollow, with a little shifting you manage to use it as footing, and can see a clear way to the top.

Dafremen Let's fix these links. I have a treehouse to explore. 030806
oldephebe *misstree*
and really almost cinematic
nice - kind of reminds me of countless summers in rural Pennsylvania idling away the time amongst its bucolic grandeur
what's it to you?
who go