cali j cool 010624
baby satan licking mary's fucking apple over 010624
O.T..T...T Laughing my fat ass off.

Lizards must follow another ox.

Lewd, mean, frightening, asshole, Otto.
paste! -like me, fred assassinates oregoners.

-lick my fuckin ass, ok?
paste! let me find another orifice. 010625
start fires in the garage lewd misconduct featuring another osmond! 010730
start fires in the attic letting my fingers arch over 010730
start fires in the fridge listen, my favorite american ottoman... 010730
Gollum startsfires in my pants? yes precious in my pants. 010730
starts fires in gollums pants woot? 010823
MarA let me fuck another oreo 050525
somenom let's make faces at oprah 050525
what's it to you?
who go