frAnk your post, "i caught a jellyfish," was one of the most captivating pieces i have ever read on blather. maybe it was because you achieved something a lot of us here want to,that is, physically meet another blather school mate. anyway, you are some kind of hero to me now and i think you are very cool to do what you did, drive all that way to fulfill a desire.

your writing was amazing in that particular piece. i liked the way you described yummychuckle and black dyed gel product, what they wore, how they acted, etc. it was like i was there with you. that's good writing.

so you drove from new york to maryland? did you happen to pass through western pennsylvania? fuck, if i would have known, i would have tried to meet you along the way.

great work. it's some of the best on blather.

do you think the "jellyfish" is symbolic of something else?
florescent light wow

my very own innerview
the ultimate flattery

I kind of don't want to write on it because it will ruin the innocence and wonder of the initial moment.

I must correct you, I didn't drive all that way to reach what I desire.
My desire was to take an actual trip, not so much the destination.
Yummychuckle and I do chat. And she was bored and I was bored, so I said, what the hell- I'm coming down there.
The fact that she was a blatherer made the trip all the more of a treasure.

I love nature, I love to drive, I love seeing and experiencing new things.
So it would make sense that I love spontaneous road trips.

I'm surprised you thought my writing was good because I didn't.
I just blabbed it out. Didn't organize it. Didn't reread it. Didn't try to make it come across any particular way. I thought it was uncreative, and would be boring to anyone who wasn't actually present that day.

And as for Penn, we did not pass through it, but I'd love to come see you. Just drop me an email.

jellyfish are very beautiful, like radioactive flowers in the water.
Though, they can't live down the negative (stinging) connotations, and are therefore overlooked and underappreciated by society for not being as beautiful as they are.
Much like the average blatherer feels.

So I got a net, or car as the case may be, and scooped up a couple of jellyfish.
yummyC **pokes at her gelatinous tummy and giggles at the resemblence between her and jellyfish**
pardon my typos. i dont feel like going back and changing them.
what's it to you?
who go