yummychuckle sorry
for everything.
i TOLD you I didn't deserve you.

Lots of this stuff is old. In fact everything about u and/or jason is old. my newest blathes are just about my problems and other boring crap.

I'm sorry.
mystupid fucking veiws on you were very messed up then. I'm sorry sorry sorry.

try not to hate me too much.
Logan I dont know what to think anymore, I really dont... I wish I knew everything man, then my problems would be solved...
you always make me feel stupid, like my oppinion doesint matter. the way I act is me, im not trying to change for anyone... why have I put up with sooo much shit, I dont know... you say one thing then I find out another... maybe this isint working, maybe it is, but for now I need time to get my feelings straight. we'll see how I feel on the 7th when you get back. maybe you'll appreciate me more when its not so "easy" but for now.....
what's it to you?
who go