Mahayana [{my hands are forgetting the ways of yours}] 020520
too good to be freakizh You're just too good to be true
Can't take my eyes off you
You'd be like heaven to touch
I wanna hold you so much
At long last love has arrived
And I thank God I'm alive
You're just too good to be true
Can't take my eyes off you

I love you baby..
broken_down girl but everytime I do, you pull away. 020521
pretendingitsnotme i guess the fear fly is buzzing around in my house. is there something you need to tell me? im not sure we really know who each other is. 020521
click i want to grope you too. 020521
god i wanna take you to the beach for some ass_fishing 020530
Kate Just your hair and your cheeks and maybe your hands and your neck. While you are sleeping so that you wouldn't have to look away. 020530
lyeux ... that it makes_every_inch_of_me_ache 020531
cheer-up-emo-kid I want to fill you up, I want to break you, I want to give you up 020602
erinicolejax When I can't, when I can, when it's convient, when it's not, when it's dark, when it's light, and especially when we are on the beach and it's warm, even when it's cold. But why does that hurt us both so much every time. All I want to do is love you. 020602
Lafiel touch until the light can shine in places never seen by the human eye...touch me, feel me, fuck me and for heaven's sake george get me a beer!

copyright of Lafiel and no offence george (who is a fictional person and is also under the copyright of Lafiel)
jezabel i long to rub my length against you, my love.

never have i spoken to such a spirit
without ever seeing inside their eyes.
even my flesh reacts as if you were here
and not unknowable miles ghosted presence.

i, the unownable, am kitten to you.
joyously and completely as only kin can love.
nights echo to sometime forward feeling you,
finally coming to concussive completion.

and, should such never come to pass,
i will treasure no less every drop of
liquid light shed into me, every genuine grin
and knowing another, finding family
and mate unmistakable in the curtained jungle.
In_Bloom Under your skin
Behind your eyes
Where all things are possible
past i look forward to next weekend, when we're skipping town together, and i'm not waiting for you to call sunday night. 090808
FA113N But I can't. I don't trust myself.

And you don't trust me either.

My hand tingles when I think about it
unhinged casting_off_shimmering_reflections

i want to touch the scar on your lip
i want to climb on top of you
i want to feel your heart beat
i want to whisper in your ear
i want to be warmed by the heat of your body
i want to wake up next to you

i've got it bad
what's it to you?
who go