laced I remember when I had to scroll down to see the whole recent blathes page and the shit people use to write was reckless as if people were screaming it while breaking into the house next door. 070913
unhinged i'm glad it's quiter now 070913
jane {me_too} 070913
birdmad funny that after all of the changes and upheavals and whatnot, it actually feels more familiar now 070913
u24 I like that there's always something here, but I too remember when recent was much longer. I think I liked it better busier. 090815
qalista i liked it busier too. i dont come around so much since there are fewer spectacles. the diversity of blathes isnt what it was 090816
gluck i miss it. 090817
gluck i miss it. 090817
meta meta 090817
unhinged these days, i would agree, it's a little tooooo quiet. but we have to be careful what we wish for. the spam that spawned the captcha is not the kind of action i'd like to see here. i also notice that when most of us are happy, we let blather fall by our respective waysides. so in general, it's probably a good thing that blather is quiet for all of us. 090818
h|s|g an_unknown_word to me

but barely remember... lifetimes_ago died_so_many_times since then. idk how else to explain it. but_it_feels_like_death
jane i can see what you're saying, unhinged, but for me there was a time when i was much more prolific in poetry and just writing in general. i had to carry around a notebook because words would reveal themselves to me when i was walking down the street. i hardly write anymore. meaning blather sees less and less of my life documented. some people might see this as a good thing, but for me it's evidence only of a waning creative center. 110228
shpaaaaaaaaaaaa shpaaaaaaaaaaaa 110228
what's it to you?
who go