DannyH I have begun dreaming in Excel's VBA object model. The lure of perfect solutions:
sub fix_family()
relatives("sister").characteristics("paranoia").isapparant = false
end sub

sub remove_dumb_comment()
if girlfriends("Sarah").emotions.angry = true then previousactions.lastthingsaid.delete
end sub

Boolean logic. Something either true or false to hang onto. Life as a series of switches. A system where people are either dead or alive, right or wrong. An engine driving it all that never gets tired or bored or disillusioned. The simplicity of a grid. I never thought I would find myself yearning for such things
fuffle that looks interesting..
is it emotional science?

diagnosis of invisible substance?

how do you swing genetics into the equation?

then you've got to consider the butterfly effect, destiny, luck and chance (considering environment in each route also).

Physics, chemistry and biology, inside and out.
I have no doubt that all these components play a part of the bigger picture. Maybe becoming fully (awake) aware of this is part of the process to find out more?

it would be fascinating if you could work these equations out.
oren I_have_become_excellent. 080804
DannyH Is Fuffle kx21 lite? 080805
jane (le_sigh...... yes.) 080805
fuffle no i'm not, i'm fuffle. 080806
DannyH Sorry, I've been away a while having children and not quite up to speed. Everything seems to be ticking away quite nicely in much the same vein though. It even appears someone is adding to blatheworld. I hope they link to the rest of it as I always rather loved that idea. Anyhow, anyone_fancy_a_nice_cup_of_tea 080808
unhinged how's the baby? probably not so much of a baby anymore....they do that. 080808
DannyH I do have a baby - four months - but his is my second. His name is Elliott and he wakes and screams and demands to be loved. Who am I to demur? Lauren now runs and screams and questions and melts my heart with the question "Um, Dad?" Parenthood is more challenging and rewarding than I might ever have thought. I sometimes feel like an oil tanker pursuing a speedboat. 080808
unhinged four is a good number for a family. when my sisters weren't around, which they often weren't living with their mom and stuff, that was the size of my family. before my brother and i got up and moved away.

i didn't realize you were twice a daddy. congratulations again. being an auntie and a teacher i am constantly fascinated with children. they are so capable and spongy and amazing.
shpaaaaaaaaaaaa shpaaaaaaaaaaaa 141205
shpaaaaaaaaaaaa shpaaaaaaaaaaaa 141205
DannyH I don't suppose it will matter to anyone if I update. My children are people now and my relationship with software has deepened. I understand better now what it is and how it is made and, more importantly why you have to understand the difference between people and process to make anything of any value. 190920
what's it to you?
who go