Alexander Beetle any more or less
than what I am
Casey An athlete, good looking, funny, a genius, or a ladies man

I can only be myself and care with all my heart.
distorted tendencies What you want me to be, or wish I was. I am merely who I am. I do what I do, I say what I say. I'm sorry if you don't like it, but I will not change for anybody. Not one person. 011028
Sonya ..you or them. I cannot be the poster child for the "American Dream" because it's a sham. I cannot be the person who forgets and forgives easily, nor can I be the one to say "I'm sorry" because when it comes down it -I- was the one who was wronged, not you. I cannot be expected to be silent when I am a witness to mistakes being made. I cannot be someone to use at your leisure or convenience to make yourself feel better. I cannot be your whore. I cannot be your slave. I cannot be your blind supporter or customer. I cannot be manipulated. I can only be me: a being with a mind, a heart, and a shred of dignity. 011028
monadh dreaming,
can I?
dB We are all shadows of the things we cannot be. We stand perpetually between the things we can't be and the things we won't be. Always in the middle.
All we can do is watch, as our lives slowly slip away. Cast adrift on an ocean of infinite possibility where there are simply too many directions and picking just one is impossible because you want to try them all.
There is never enough time.
Aimee you, i cannot be paul! Why can't you see that? I've tried.. I'm not him, I'm not as good as him and I never will be. Yeah I may be at a different school and I still compare myself to him... christ almighty 011029
Rebecca I cannot be who I am, unless I be me. It has come to my attnetion that some find me irritating, but it is usually those who irritate the most...Why do people presume to exhude a different personality that the real one wich exists within them? If reality were a trip, may would be lost. How am I to find myself, if I hide who I am? 020121
Mahayana the vine in which you find your grapes
caught standing at my stalk
picking leaves for Dolma

[& so i let the vines fester growing untouched/unpruned/wildly without your touch]
*Amy* falling down.
. . . . . . . .
pSyche seen in this- such a disgraceful state. 060305
star leaves i_cannot_be this_dull 060305
what's it to you?
who go