girl_jane We were talking one night about how well we go together. He said, "Like peas and carrots." I said, "Like funnel cakes and county fairs."

We say we're old souls who've spent lifetime after lifetime together, and we've been once again reunited.

He is my best friend.

He is my lover.

He is my soulmate.
girl_jane What amazes me is that I have no doubts. I feel like I can really trust him not to leave me, and so I can give myself to him completely.

I have no doubts-not even a sliver.
ofsuch how about instead you give yourself completely to yourself? 041006
stork daddy how is myself any less unfair and tyrannical to certain parts of me? 041006
girl_jane ofsuch asked, "how about instead you give yourself completely to yourself?"

My answer-Because I like to share-and he shares with me.
lady_jane Seven years later, we're still sharing. 110603
what's it to you?
who go