notme how warm/how cold is it where you are? 040412
pete my guess is that its around 10 celsius 040412
notme 25°C on my mountain today
the ground is so dry
bloddy drought
notme it's supposed to cool down next week

it should be cooler
we should have rain

worrying about fire season
pete they ski is partially cloudy. i was going to wake up for the sunrise, but my rude 3am fire alarm showed me an overcast sky, so i turned my mental clock off.. there was still ice on some of the rocks along the highway on my way home yesterday.. i love the shield.. though im not that deep into it here 040412
angelita well, 'tis nearing night-time so the cool is setting in...but today was delicious. the first truly warm day I've felt this year in this part of green ol' England. 040412
notme it must feel sorta safe in a way, livin on the shield

green england *sigh*
eskimos friend nearing night time at quarter to nine, what time zone are you running in angelita?

angelita I said night-time.
utterly different from bed-time.
which is, in turn, totally unrelated to sleep. ^_^

ah, insomnia. that old chestnut.
minnesota_chris how irrelevant, how dull 040412
notme there_are_those_who_care 040412
angelita all right. so, as much of a profound dislike as I may have for bitchiness in this neck o' the woods, I'm a-jumping to the defence of this.
appy-polly-loggies if this is
'irrelevant' or 'dull', but no more so that a vast amount of blathes.
personally, being an ocean away from most of the skites in the world, I liked notme's idea...
and, frankly, I'm English. talking about the weather is what we do in between drinking tea, nearly winning, and queuing.
blue cat sitting next to my open window i am shiverring as the cold air saffuses me ... ^_^ 040417
ferret not too warm, not too cold. just right as my good friend goldy would say. 040417
pheather 90 degrees upstairs. 78 degrees outside and it's already 7:00pm. 040502
jane it's 62 degrees here... 090423
Ouroboros 92 on Tuesday. 64 today (Thursday) 090423
what's it to you?
who go