Mryoda here i am, hello 031213
Mryoda can you hear me? 031213
Mryoda can you use this infernal machine?
it is time for us all
all of us all
to rage
rage against the machine
(select "blather" and speak to the world man)
this is my new home...
s p e a k
u p
p l e a s e
i m
h a r d
o f
h e a r i n g
Mryoda today was the day that i failed at my task, my impossible task, after the worst week of my life, and felt overwhelmedly happy, knowing that i could still hold her hand and kiss her goodnight, regardless of how few people vote for me, or how bad my face looks, or how stupidly i say things when/that i shouldnt, she will still love me. 031213
PiMpInEsT Howdy-do? 031213
Mryoda HORAYY!!!
welcome, first responder to my wailings......
Mryoda blather is words. bunches of words, strewn about in a twisty tangly web of pontification, insight and nonsensical delight.
but really it's an experiment to see what shape this will take when left at your mercy. take a gander and let us know what you think.

er, thats all i got man, all i can find... i just found myself here one day, and took it as is, learned what the rediculously simple links mean, and started typing... hmmmm addicting ;-)
Mryoda shivers running...

up and down

up up up
down down down

my spine just remembering

ive found that there are some things one just dosent ask for, and when you do get them.... theyre that much sweeter when you do because theyre given and not taken.
matt what the fuck 031213
Mryoda yes, i want you to speak to me, please do... i want to hear you

speak up, speak in confidence, speak at all, but speak

how hillarious is this? me talking to myself on this site all (for the most part) alone.... tear
whitechocolatewalrus you're not alone. 031213
Death of a Rose entierely not alone, the detectives we sent out just found you.

greetings earthling.

User24 hello, friend, welcome_to_blather. 031214
edgar i'm still lost
dans l'eblouisante clarte de mon premiere amour
what's it to you?
who go