yummyC can't he just be mean and say what hes actually thinking? it would be much easier on both of us. because, you know when you get the response "i don't know u that well", it doesn't mean that later on, maybe u'll have the chance of being liked. Its basically a nice way to say "i don't like you because you are too unattractive to like right away. you must ahve an ok personality, but i dont care to find out." 010815
dB Yummy, obviously this is a big thing in your life right now, and you have my full sympathy, but are you going to be posting this stuff all day? 010815
unhinged to fuck me in the ass 010815
l o s t i hate when a chick says that to me. 010815
Dafremen ...make you happy, he just doesn't care enough to, that's all. 010816
zero is that so? 010816
yummychuckle who is this ZERO character? and why is his name zero? 010824
unhinged because he is in the middle of the fucking number line that's why. he is neither positive or negative. he is zero. right in the fucking middle of infinity. 010824
chocolate bootay then why would God have died for him?

he must not be a zero, but a infinite positive, because he's worth Jesus to God.

I want to cry.
god don't cry, it's all right... 010825
unhinged jesus schmeesus 010825
chocolate bootay yeah, right

we wouldnt want to be worth anything would we?

we'd have to admit our sin if we were to be something.

God isnt going to keep worthless souls.

hm.. I wish not reject Him..

----scared but a tad bit more unwilling
Dafremen I respect and love you too, bootay...now answer the f*cking question please. See also: TEENAGE_JESUS 010825
unhinged not to be a bitch, but i really don't think you want to have a religious conversation with me. first of all i am not christian and i refuse to believe all that semantic bullshit that most americans are fed since childhood. have you ever really explored any other religious options? have you ever actually seriously thought about the things they force-feed you in church or is your mind an empty receptacle that just believes what ever it is told? there is so much egocentricity in christianity that it's not even funny. open your eyes. jesus was human. end of frickin story. 010825
god she's right, you know... 010825
The Voice of Reason Your OPINION is neither right nor wrong actually.

But it is sort of hypocritical, in an ignorant sort of way. Not as much amusing as it is annoying.

Just because YOU are egocentric doesn't mean everything else is.
Just because YOU were force-fed religion,doesn't mean everyone else was.
Just because YOU believe whatever you're told, doesn't mean everyone else does.
Just because some ignorant people sin in the name of God as they are led to by evil in order to attempt to smear the image of Christianity in america and decieve the world, doesn't mean ALL Christians are Ignorant.

Just because you didn't understand the message, doesn't mean nobody understands.

I understand, and I am of the minority that does understand it.
There are many people that hear, see and know the truth.

It's your same pattern of thinking that causes racism and various other forms of ignorance throught the world....sad.

[Would you say? "Since one man hurt you, all men are pigs?"
unhinged no quite frankly i wasn't attacking all christians with that post...i was attacking one in particular...one that was trying to preach to me. i knew what i was saying was in some ways hypocritical and that is part of the reason why i said it. i think there is nothing wrong with religion of any kind, but with religion there is very often narrow-mindness which was exhibited by a person on this page. sometimes the hypocritical method of attack does absolutely nothing and can even backfire. but i was looking to instigate after a rough night. i know that i am not right. the point is that no one is. 010825
god eureka 010825
unhinged and actually you could not be more wrong about a few of those points. i was not force fed religion. the only truly organized religious event of my life was my baptism when i was a very young child. the only time i ever sat in church was when my grandmother wanted the family to go to church together. the only thing about religion that i was ever force fed was that my relationship with god should be a personal one. so my temper since my infamous post has cooled down like i knew it would and reflecting on what i wrote earlier i realized it was rash and harsh just like i did when i was writing it. thank you oh wise voice of reason for failing to point out anything to me that i didnt already know and making some rather stupid assumptions about my life. 010826
. . 010826
what's it to you?
who go