harvey spingsteen No autograph's, please. 011210
the clarifier "Autographs," not "autograph's." 011210
paste! i think he's just asking you to meet him there. No Autograph is his sidekick, who happens to own a restaraunt, called No Autograph's Wicked Cuisine. he's got a booth in back where you can talk business. 011210
paste!s fan DAMN paste!, you make EVERYTHING work.

I think I love you.
the clarifier That's "restaurant," if I may be so bold. "Restaraunt" hasn't been properly defined yet. 011210
paste! a restaraunt is kinda like a great aunt. sadly though, they get pawned off as slaves far too often. if anyone is interested, i'm trying to put together a coalition that protects the rights of our beloved restaraunts. 011229
what's it to you?
who go