silentbob i know a lot of people who realized they were sinners and admitted their love for god at age five. at age five i was concerned with whether or not we drove past cows on our way to my cousins house because that would make the car smell bad.

not whether or not i was going to hell.
god i swear i thought she was 18. 020420
insect life is all around no, i think he just seems to have a thing for lilliputians, rabbits
and goats
god well, after i got my head straight, that is. 020421
silentbob hook em while they're young 030809
misstree that way you can train 'em proper 030809
shivers i think when your five
god is a thing to worship...

like pokemon
but do they really take it seriously?
123 You better watch what you say about Pokemon (Capital "P", ok?) 030810
what's it to you?
who go