as i just want to laugh at people when they say weed is a "gateway drug", and if u smoke it you will start useing hard drugs, to me thats like saying black coffee is a gateway harder caffeine's, like cappuccino , latte's, and double half caff espresso. it's just complete bullshit, i've been smokin for about a year and i've never touched a hard drugs, and i have many friends who are the same way. 010419
Norm Yes, I also agree that this is bullshit. I smoke weed and drink, but I've never done any harder drugs. I often have possesion of other drugs like mush, acid, coke, and stuff but I would never think of doing these things myself. I only have them for entertaining company, I respect that these people may enjoy them, but I never take part in the activities. 011119
skeptik Oh, yeah, me too. I only smoke weed but am always sure I have an assorted selection of contraband chemicals and hallucinogens in the house..... for company. ? 011120
lost i do heavy pain killers muscle relaxers just about anything perscribed. i drink smoke weed do lsd sometimes. i eat shroomz every once in a great while. I do ecstacy sometimes too, but only when i can get good stuff. like pure stuff i dont like doin that fake shit that has pcp in it. 011121
unhinged "...and the other thing is you smoke weed. i don't like that you do that....well i would really prefer that you didn't do it at all. because if you keep doing it all the time you are going to find your way to harder things."

do you believe everything your teachers tell you?
SuicidalAngel hell no! :) 011122
guess i am 011122
god name of a pharmacy near my house 020425
thugstylez for me it was true. i started with weed and moved on to tolly (or any other fumes that would kill my brain cells), cocaine, and acid (but i just did acid once). i tried crank but it wasnt enough to get me high. (crank not crack). i tried other forms of speed and also was willing to try anything else that was put on the table. came close to ecstasy and heroin but unfortunaly couldnt get it at the last moment. the funny thing is that in the end im right back where i started. just weed and alchohol. 020425
good people im sitting in class, half stoned from when i ditched an anti-drug assembly. 020426
lo i don't know nothin about gateway drugs. i know that someone who will do other drugs most likely would have done it without weed being in existance. the thing i notice is that some certain people will do anything to not be sober. perhaps these are the people who created the idea of gateway drugs . perhaps not. alot of times i see people who start hanging out with a certain crew who do this or that and end up doing it too just for the hell of it. then they end up in rehab after shooting up at work and oding...anyway yeah thats all 020426
Norm Today I'm a hardcore pusher and I'm acid.
that still doesn't prove anything.
but wow the letters are going up on the screen from the buttons my fingers press. Fucckck it's too hard to explain.
unhinged i can get tylenol 3 over the counter in canada. i think it's worth taking the trip. who wants to drive? 030313
generic percocet i'm already there, and i've got some t-3s leftover from wisdom teeth removal. also have some endocet. a few pills, alcohol, a reason to smile. the incredible vanishing bowel movement. 030313
x i got tylenol 3 just because i said my wrist hurt once
still have some
come see me instead
unhinged i think really i'm just a closet opiate addict. i agree; pills and cheap beer made everything vanish. 030313
l i have beer sin limites as well 030313
ruby sugar, the ultimate
m&m candies = toddler crack
dick&jane I am looking for Tylenol #3 from Canada from 3 years ago not to expire before 2005 I really just need the bottle. 060604
lemon lime you judge because you don't know.
the thing is that if you don't know, you're not really qualified to give a real opinion. but you didn't know have a good one.
Pto Is "def" a good thing? It must be, because weed is apparently it. And weed is "def"initely good. In fact, it might be god.

Weed has helped me in innumerable ways that other humans have not. So thanks, Cannabis, and ptooey on you, warriors_against_weed!
Floptolemy Maybe 333's atrocious spelling would improve if he/she did some good "gatway" drugs. I mean, serouisly. Most of the drug users here spell well and then comes along this abstainer who can't even consistently spell "fucking". It's too muchh for one man, apparently. 061213
anne3345 I don't know if I agree with this or not. I don't think I do. Weed is just the cheapest, easiest thing to get. I'm one of the people mentioned earlier, one of the ones who will do anything not to be sober. Started off with alcohol, and t3's. Moved onto oxy's, then any other pill i could get my hands on. After that I went to weed, and from there to shrooms, ex, crack, and coke. And I'll still do anything to get high. Weed is not a gateway drug, it's just another escape. No better or worse than any of the others. 061213
misstree the reason that weed is considered a gateway drug and booze is not is because weed is illegal. you're already doing something that breaks the law and dealing with criminal elements in its procurement, so you've crossed two of the hurdles towards most of the other, more dangerous drugs.

booze is much worse for you, more debilitating to your ability to function, harder on your body, and more addictive, but is legal, so those lines are not crossed, and little_johnny can be a raging alcoholic but still be an upstanding member of the community, whereas if he had a toke now and then he'd be up for jail time.
() ( english voodoo ) 061214
what's it to you?
who go