satan satan satan the only reason i do anything in this universe

after all,
i am the beast
the father of lies,
the adversary,
the lord of the pit
ad nauseam

what other motivation should i have?

for the good of the world?
not my department

to impress Jodie Foster?
it's been done already

because it's the right thing to do?
do i look like Wilford-fuckin'-Brimley? Besides, my little brother's unfortunate incident on Golgotha that spring-break weekend about two thousand years ago was proof of just where being so nice all the time gets you (i still say that whole region of the world needs to switch to decaf - i mean goddamn!)

So, now if no one minds i will be in the kitchen plotting up some new and depraved snack_tips to unleash upon the universe
what's it to you?
who go