Borealis without love, without truth
there can be no turning back

without faith, without hope
there can be no peace of mind


I tried to get more answers
But he said, you’re on your own.
Then he turned away and left me
As I stand there all alone
He said, you’ll know the truth
As you future days unfold
Borealis a frail virgin mind
watching a sunset

and a summer leaf blows across the scape, melting into the crimson tides of memory.

sifting sands of time quilt the earth in drifting banks of snow, and through it all, a child, looks on. she knows not what she watches, yet awestruck in wonder, she lightly steps..
tiny pink feet, treading upon absolute purity..

that single blade of grass in the face of the oncoming storm.
that single starfish waiting on the beach for the sun to bring him to his end, so far from the receding tide.
that lonely snowflake, one of a million, each different, yet each so insignificant.

a fatal tragedy?
a tragedy?

an individual doomed to live out their existence in obscurity due to the very nature of said existence?

even the small is beautiful
even the weak have their moments of worth

and a single smile is enough to give a life justification.
dance on little butterfly
look on child of but three..
one day you will see, exactly what you were meant to do, to be, to see, and to create.

and I will create..
and I will love..
and I will somehow take one more step..
I will live out my fatal tragedy..

"There's only us, There's only this - Forget regret, or life is yours to Miss - No other road, No other way - No Day, But Today."

love you
Borealis to everyone who pushed me to that point...

I love you intensely..and will continue to do so until I am no longer counted among the living...

its not looking so tragic today..
kx21 A_point_in_time

pete to borealis:

Borealis *sighs*...
not tragic..just predictable.

I'm not in the mood for being melodramatic...all I want to do is go to bed.
suicidalchinadoll what, you mean she's dead?


guess so...
tyler waters "To see things under the form of eternity is to see them in their historic and moral truth, not as they seemed as they passed, but as they remain when the are over. When a man's life is over, it remains true that he has lived; it remains true that he has been one sort of man, and not another. In the infinite mosaic of history that bit has its unfading colour and it's perpetual function and effect. A man who understands himself under the form of eternity knows the quality that eternally belongs to him, and knows that he cannot wholly die, even if he would; for when the movement of his life is over, the truth of his life remains. The fact of him is a part for ever of the intinite context of facts. This sort of immortality belongs passively to everything; but to the intellectual part of man it belongs actively also, because, in so far as it knows the eternity of truth and is absorbed in it, the mind LIVES in that eternity." - Professor G. Santayana
on Spinoza's ideas of immortality.
From the introduction of "The Ethics of Spinoza"
spoken sudden end
lights extinguished unexpectedly
energy fades
and heart weeps for the loss of
what might have been
what's it to you?
who go