Thyartshallshant Fuctions... do you ever use them? 010107
Thyartshallshant Goddammit... Fu-N-ctions 010107
twiggie fucktions? 010107
Thyartshallshant Thats better actually. 010107
mmm i use f11 alot.... 010402
nocturnal always wondered what those buttons do. anyone wanna enlighten me? 010402
Alexander Beetle Every damned chance I get. I love the little guys.

F5 is my fay-vore-aight.
Dafremen Function keys are a programmer's delight. It's a menu that will NOT get used for anything else.

Conjunction junction what's YOUR function?
green_tenedril hey i just hit F5 and nothing happened.
how dissapointing.
green_tenedril woah, f11 is really cool!

i feel so silly for writing that, but i just hit it and it gets rid of all the frames...i am so computer illeterate. but this is fantastic!
mmm when your on the internet f5 is refresh 010502
User24 F1 - help
F2 - Save
F3 - Find
F4 - ???
F5 - Refresh / Run
F6 - ???
F7 - ???
F8 - ???
F9 - ???
F10 - ???
F11 - ???
F12 - Save As
User24 oh, sorry F9 is compile in Borland C++ builder 020410
User24 ah yes, and F11 puts window into fullscreen in MSIE 020410
. In everday windows:
f1= help
f2= rename (a file duh)
f3= search
f4= takes you to the first thing in the tab order, and also opens its menu, to not open the menu and go to the first thing in the tab order hit ctr + tab or f6. As windows puts it, "open Save In or Look In dialog boxes"
f5= Refresh (be it a web page or a window)
f6= First thing in tab order, and also returns to where you were in the tab order on a second hit
f7-f9=I believe these are just open keys for programmers to use in their programs if they wish to.
f10= force showing content information in the status bar on whatever content is selected.
f11= full windows, yeah!
f12=another open key?
zulu never use 'em 020628
cube Like an atrophied body part, these keys are a left over from the old CPM and DOS days. For those of you too young to remember, those were heady days of experimentation - programmers searching for the 'holy grail' of operator interfaces. This resulted in mass confusion and steep learning curves every time you'd get a new piece of software (and you thought Windowswas a pain in the ass).

We still use them extensively in industry whenever a mouse is impractical...
angie my roomies comp was way messed up and the computer tech told her to keep pressing f(something) when she was starting it like some secret computer scary code and it actually worked... 030221
mo i use them alot when i make stuff in flash...also use other key commmand shortcuts...this little red eraser in the middle of my keyboard just doesn't cut it...man i wish i had a mac 030222
when darkness falls f10 quit 030505
minnesota_chris f6 makes fairies visible 030505
nomatter f2 starts a new game...if your playing a game...you know what I mean. 031009
Death of a Rose f3 and f8....my fav's...sometimes i'll throw f9 in for some fun. 031126
F11 Convert alt+f4 = close current program. my long time favorite until i pushed F11 (firefox browser). 061007
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