Death of a Rose it is the equinox of our passing,
that moment of division when all who stood around us started to fade into the memory of discontent, a relatively slow but inexorable transference of those things we cherished about them,
relegating them to the back corners of the mind. another passing, another fading, another gone. as the light has its fragile moments, so does the dark, when it is worn and tender. we could have stood and held on, we should have, but all it took was a casual slide of the hands, to make the equinox yet another passing borderline.
no reason coltrane

pretty song. we played it today.
Death of a Rose i shall endeavour to listen to some coltrane to have a better understanding of what i talk about. 040328
Q Equinox means "equal night." It is essentially a negative, depressing term.

It should be changed to equimane, meaning "equal morning."
iNsEcUrE_GoTh_GiRl how is it depressing?

for me night is a magical escape, and morning is the dreary beginning of another day of drudgery.

equi + nox
what's it to you?
who go