notme she looks like me
but i don't know her
she says things
the kinda things i might say
if i were me
but i don't know her
and she doesn't know me
i don't why she's there
just break my friggin mirror already
notme or at least paint
me a black veil
notme turn off the dark
turn it off
cover the boards with windows
notme light up the sky with wishes 040324
notme don't show her the key
don't ask what for
pd her? no, i don't know her any more...i don't know where she came from, i never thought i would see those things in her brown eyes. no, she's just a little strange, the way she stares back at me without blinking, without moving, just standing there. i don't know what she's thinking any more, she's turned her back on me and i'm waiting with the hollowness of a beach waiting for the waves to rush back in on it, i'm waiting for the tide to come back..for my breath to come back so i can breathe again. i don't know this girl-woman any more, she refuses to let me in and i don't know why. 040325
what's it to you?
who go