Ouroboros Mr DeLarkin was my spanish teacher in high school. he was a big black man who wore pinstriped suits with a huge white hat and peacock feather. he drove to school in a rolls royce with a machete in the trunk- he said you just never knew- he and his family had an escape plan in the mountains for whenever disaster struck. he loved showing us crazy movies (ask me about the one where the grandmother made the granddaughter a prostitute) and made us watch a spanish soap opera at night. my freshman year i snuck out of whatever boring class i was in to stand by the doorway of his class and listen to his lecture- he said live each day as if it is your last. he said he went to bed each night knowing that he would be ok dying (i still think about this, about if i could go to bed with that same okness)- he also said put away a dollar a day into savings. mr delarkin said he was psychic- i didnt know what to think. one time he told josh and i that we had been brother and sister in a past life, vienna in the 1600s. we were standing around him in class, he was sitting at a podium, and we (students) were listening to him talk, when out of the blue he turned to me and asked me if someone in my family was dying. i, shocked, replied yes and burst into tears. he told me when he looked at me he could see all my family above me. his business card read "house of larkin". he laughed alot and told stories endlessly (some rather risque- how he discovered that a girlfriend was into s/m, how he psychically saw that a student was pleasuring herself at night with a cucumber :)). he was an amazing spirit, man, teacher. he died on the 30th of cancer. 060406
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