PISSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This must be stopped NOW! I'm growing my own food. 100929
. Codex said no you can't- you're not white enough and there are too many people. 100930
PISSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Who is entitled to make that kind of decision? I thought we're SUPPOSED to be living in a democracy here. I'll grow whatever I want. I'll collectively organize a permacultural farm. 101001
PISSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They're trying the same exact thing to privatize our childrens schools and I will not feed the stomachs of those fat cats on wall_street to educate my child just so they can destroy our teachers unions. What kind of education does this result? teach them to become part of the wage slave sheep buy more stuff!!! Become intolerant menacing bullies! ALL THEY HAVE TO OFFER IS TO EDUCATE OUR CHILDREN WITH GREED? W_H_O W_T_O KKK IT'S ALL THE SAME THING!!! 101001
PISSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CAPITOLISM WILL DESTROY US ALL 101001
the cia Don't get your fully stickered volkswagon in an uproar. 101002
asd sda 101005
. step_away_from_the_earth 120510
dafremen ..even if we SOLVE the problem of over-concentrating authority in state and national capitols, there's still the issue of an economic system that by its very nature provides more to those who already have the most.

I guess what I'm saying is that ending CAPITOLISM doesn't do much for us until we fix CAPITALISM. Otherwise we risk creating hundreds of local "dictators through overwhelming application of capital."
. local_can_be_fixed 120511

B big bad
B Probably_not. There s the fat civilian and there's the handful of people weep ate good enough to dismantle tyranny. 161205
Lemon_Soda Universal income 161206
what's it to you?
who go