blah-ze gibber 'coffee loadie' ten times really fast and you see where this came from... 031011
User24 riiight...

huh huh

shuffles towards the door
:) (just keep smiling) 031012
blah-ze i tried to explain this the other day. i was on a suger rush, like, gibbering. she grinned. 031102
pipedream gibber gibber la la la

once i had a mochaccino with too much sugar. i bounced off the walls for 48 hours (didn't sleep, just bounced around. literally.)
blah-ze good'ums to you! live every day on the caffi! 031103
schadenfreude you mean something worth reading like this? think deep thoughts. maybe it will help. goodnight. 031103
blah-ze *rolls eyes*

pipedream of course not, schadenfreude clicked on 'caffi laddie' expecting to find portents of great wisdom and insight.
*rolls eyes*
SO smart!

*hands blah-ze a swanki coffee mug*
whaddya think, d'you like that little sketch of the portent-o-matic?
blah-ze i would expect to find deliberations of coffee philosophy, but then that's me, and i'm a little bit obsessed. a little. 031103
pipedream examining the fancy mug ah yes, caffiene philosophy. i will be nietszche and you can be kant, and we can slam each other. how dat sound? 031103
blah-ze hehehe... this reminds me of humphry davy and his 'laughing gas philosophy' which was seen as an actually legitimate thing in philosophical circumastances.

so, get off your face, and write stuff on a philosophical-looking pad. coo! even i could do that!
pipedream oh yeah, plus you get a free philosophical looking pen, too! 031104
blah-ze today, i think coke is in order. i have to go to hockey. sugar highs are so fun on the court. pity about the caffeine headaches. 031105
pipedream coke tastes a little cinnamony. pepsi doesn't. im a sprite person (wish they sold mountain dew here :P) 031105
what's it to you?
who go