mr song we must be free from unjustice! our goal is to remove every animal from every research laboratory in the united states. abide your own morality. equal rights for equal orientations to join hands in marrage! destroy all religious ideals excluding harm none! for socialized medicine and free university level education! ban masonic groups and similar organization such as The Skull and Bones club from college campuses. abolish all anti-union laws which hold back workers. legalization of drugs under community control! abolish the death penalty!, abolish the CIA, FBI, ATF, DEA and shut down the pentagon! this is the revolution, we will not be stopped. For Socialized Housing and A Living Wage- All people should be guaranteed housing, jobs, and the necessities of life. We support a 30 hour working week with no lose of pay and a living wage (a wage tied to inflation and the cost of living). Abolish the banking system and end NAFTA, WTO, World Bank and all bankers deals which spell ruin for the poor and workers. Nationalize major industry including the media, transportation, production and manufacturing. Fixed rent at no more then 10 percent of wages. Outlaw lay-offs. Defend The PlanetOnly public ownership of the land, major industries, oil, mining and logging companies, energy and transport can stop environmental destruction. Nationalize food distribution and agri-chemical companies. 070618
. riot! 070619
somebody Worse suggestions have been made, that is for certain! 070619
ssdfsgdf mr song,

you are wise! you truely are!
mr song I'm speaking on behalf of the New Aeon Socialist Movement (NASM) as a member.

In full detail we stand for:

For Racial EqualityWe believe that humans are 99.9% genetically identical and that there is no scientific basis for racism. We also take a stand against nationalism we promote unity along class lines, not racial ones.

For Gender EqualityWe feel that women should be treated equally in all aspects of society from the workplace to social status. We denounce all violence against women and work to do away with all obstacles, which divide women from men (including advertising). Further we stand for legalization of prostitution as it is capitalism that forces women into treating themselves as commodities. Sex workers including strippers should be allowed to unionize and keep their wages free from parasitic pimps. We support the unconditional right of reproductive control (including abortion) free and upon demand—while at the sometime we support the creation of all the material conditions that would make adoption a viable alternative to unwanted biological procreation and infertility.

For LGBT RightsWe stand for the fair and equal treatment of all members of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgendered community. All violence against members of this community must come to an end.

Legalization of Drugs Under Community ControlWe support the legalization of marijuana under community control. Other drugs should be legalized and placed under the control of the community, with increased funding towards education about drugs. We also advocate increased funding for treatments, not prison statistics, to show that treatment should be increased. mandatory minimum sentences must be abolished.

End Police Brutality! Abolish the Death Penalty! – For elected civilian review boards rather than the police as a step towards community patrols and replacing state run bodies of armed men. Police are not members of the working class, but are extensions of the capitalist state. We stand firmly against the racist death penalty, which is used as a tool of control against the poor and minorities.

Abolish The CIA, FBI, ATF, DEA and Shut Down The Pentagon! – We stand for the shutting down of all the organs of state control whose only function is to terrorize the poor and working class of this country as well as abroad. In a time of revolution the military will join with the people and turn on their leaders. Shut down secret government research facilities with full disclosure of any data should it exist on UFO’s.

For Socialized Medicine and Free University Level EducationAccess to the latest and Medical and Scientific research and treatments for all people. Massively fund Aids and Cancer research. Free Health coverage and care for all citizens. Access for all to Universities & ban corporations from college campuses and replace them with student coops with profits funding extra curricular programs. Free Stipends to all students who show they have the skills appropriate to participate in specific programs. Ban The Skull and Bones and similar organizations from college campuses.

For a Mass Party of Labor – Only a mass Party of Labor can end the dominance of trade unions by a corrupt and conservative leadership. We call for major union shake-ups and for labor to break with the Democrats and form their own party. Only a true mass party of labor can resolve the needs of the workers and bring us closer to revolution! Ban police and prison guards from forming unions and collectively bargaining union rights for workers only. Abolish all anti-union laws that hold back workers. Union officials and elected officials should only receive the average wage of a skilled worker.

For Socialized Housing and A Living Wage- All people must be guaranteed housing, jobs, and the necessities of life. We support a 30 hour working week with no lose of pay and a living wage (a wage tied to inflation and the cost of living). Abolish the banking system and end NAFTA, WTO, World Bank and all bankers’ deals that spell ruin for the poor and workers. Nationalize major industry including the media, transportation, production and manufacturing. Fixed rent at no more then 10 percent of wages. Outlaw lay-offs.

Defend The PlanetOnly public ownership of the land, major industries, oil, mining and logging companies, energy and transport can stop environmental destruction. Nationalize food distribution and agriculture/chemical companies.
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