god city_of_tiny_lights 011221
syringe Blat! 011221
god abiku, mike bell 050201
Jenna Wells I feel there's nothing more I can do. My parents ruin my life and I have no real friends and I have no voice right now. Everyone dispises me and I don't know what I did wrong. I'm a peaceful, honest person who would never harm anyone, infact I've busted my ass trying to fight for peace and it got me no where. Everything I live for is gone.. I might as well kill myself I am no use to this world. nobody even writes, comments, says anything to me, ect. anyway. I'm like a parasite that doesn't need to be walking on this earth. I don't think this life is really worth living and if you're reading this your probly thinking "HA! Glad it's not me." everyone just ignores me as if I'm just a shadow. I think I'm definately going to end this life because I'm ugly, doomed and unforgiven by the world and I have to flush everything away. I am from baltimore and I'm going live to die because it's all for the sake of a better earth. "it's all for the sake of a better earth" is oing to be my last word and I'm to die on one days of Otakon and I'm doing it live on film at the convention center. 090712
Jenna Wells and I'm using my real name btw because I don't care anymore. I'm meaningless anyway. 090712
u24 hello Jenna Wells. I'm feeling a small pang of empathy and pity. You're not meaningless. We all contain infinite oceans of meaning, just waiting to be uncovered by ourselves or another. 090713
grendel if you're still out there, you mean something to us quasi-faceless dwellers in this place, because many of us have been in a similar place and can relate

stick around awhile, put into words here what you never thought you could, some might disagree, but there's a value in creating a blathe or two or three (or two or three thousand) and letting the floodgates open for some enormous catharsis
flood_flood can I do it for you? 090714
fghio fghio 101116
what's it to you?
who go