a-team I thought that there were so many people complaining that there should be a compliment section here. I hope there already isn't one. 990221
b-team sliced bread wasn't invented when i was born, at least not for people into words, their power, their sometimes plain and usually subtle meanings, and the interconnections of their meanings among themselves and with the eyes and minds they interact with and intertwine.

those few of us all had to eat peanut butter off a spoon or lick it directly from the jar, unless we first bothered to slash a loaf with an axe.

sliced bread did come, and then we could really enjoy peanut butter with our words. the end of repression. just relax, t a k e y o u r t i m e, and enjoy. yes, yum, yum, yikes, YES.

then ... blather! yes, yes, yes, KABOOM!
the greatest thing since sliced bread.
ac-team i compliment the potential in blather. 000115
nameless i'd like to compliment the suggestion of blathercompliments and like to compliment jennifer for her beautiful stories and valis for putting my thoughts into beautiful words and everyone for being nice and most of the people here that sounds totally smart and all the great poets. and also for not judging everything.thats all i can think of at the moment 000116
gaudior i'd like to thank the academy...? no. i'd like to thank quill for the positive feedback, amy for the model writing, wesleann/ikon and tnt and jess for accompanying me in this, and all the other great writers, especially mad madame mim, who created annoy_drama and the french blathers. eh. yo soy un hispanohablante. 000121
silentbob alicia (rummy) is beautiful and wonderful and the best girl ever, because she loves me back, but thats not the only reason.
jennifer is the funnest hippest chick there is, and writes neato completo blathers and talks to me on icq sometimes.
MollyGoLightly is a funny wacky goofy chick who makes me giggle like a little girl.
TheSchlieffenMan seems like a really smart bloke.
Birdmad is an emotional genuis, because he knows the true definition of pain. and he's really really cool.
xyphoid is OBVIOUSLY into some really really good music. xyphoid rocks.
derek says some gross things sometimes and i like to fight with him, but he's probbly a really ok person in real life.
Q seems interesting, dont know much about q. klarchen seems neato, i am forgetting people i know, but thats ok, i love you all
MollyGoLightly you're such a sweet kid, bob.
that was compliment number one.

the long lost miniver is super-rad. klarchen and whirligirl and errol and shar and brad and moonshine and tyhoid and birdmad fall into this category as well.
there are more. i am so tired and out of my head.
The Schleiffen Man super-rad.... i think that's an aquabats! song... hehehe 000715
klarchen How do I love thee?

Let me count the ways.


Ahhh!!! I can't count that high.

But let me try.

When I first stumbled across blather I did not realize its potential and how great it really is.

I did not realize that I would become so addicted and infatuated. Although, I truly believe that blather isn't an evil addiction or infatuation or anything of that sort. Blather really enables me to digest my addictions and infatuations in a functional and rational matter. In a way that prevents me from going to0 KrAzY sometimes and in a way that lets me see (in words) how most things in life are excruciatingly trivial.

I did not realize that I would become so touched by some of the entries. Sometimes I feel like an intruder. Yes, some of the entries are so genuine, so real, so obviously raw, that I can almost see someone else's happiness, pain, sorrow, depression, anger, frustration, peace of mind, and all the other emotions that just don't have a "word" of definition. (although depression is NOT really an emotion, it is most certainly an illness.)

I did not realize that I could become so fascinated with words themselves. As a person who is pursues the piano, I lost hope in the power of words. I became so convinced that "only genuine music can be the perfect expression of the soul" that I forgot about the simplicity of a sentence or even a word. I became lost in the the fact that words ARE beautiful in themselves and sometimes even sufficient enough in an expression that music would be most inappropriate.

I did not realize how attached I would become to the "personas", that is the many personalities that roam free on blather. Actually I first noticed a group of personas acting as one force (you know who you are).
I will now just make a biased list (alphabetical order of course) of the most prominent personas that most easily come to mind.
I know already that I am forgetting someone.

brad - I absolutely understand your musical convictions, absolutely.

grendelbirdmad - If indeed you did blush, I would be the first one to notice.

joanna - I am always delighted when I see that you have written something. What you write is what I want to say, I lack your depth.

MollyGoLightly - You seem like someone who would be really kool to have as a friend.

moonshine - I only wish that I could be the one you write of, I would love you, I really would.

Schleiffen Man - The supreme rational voice of authority, everyone runs to you with their petty problems, everyone cares about what you think, everyone secretly wants membership to your exclusive club. Really, you are like some kind of mr. mother or something.

silentbob - Your lamentations are real. Your pain is always so fresh.

typhoid - You continue to amaze me with your almost scary creativity, surreal almost, like the twillight zone.

whirligirl - Everyone else says you are super-rad, so out of comformity and fear of being rejected, I guess I will say that you are super-rad too.

See now, I love thee blather in many ways, too many to count or even attempt to figure out. There is no perfect definition of blather, if there was, it would not be the perpetually wonderfull force that it really is.

Go now and plant your word-seeds in the garden of Blather.
klarchen ps. sorry that's "Joana", not "joanna". 000715
klarchen pps: ;) 000715
marissa al This is a site that is addictive. You can spill yourself, to people who understand what you are going through. It helps me to know that there are people out there who go through the same things i do, to know that i am not crazy. Blather is the best site i have ever been to. It was fate that led me to stumble upon such an amazing creation. Thank you, whoever made this, thank you very much. 000715
klarchen Ppps: In addition to my previous post, i forgot to mention someone.

bownan - Sorry about critisizing you on simplistic. I share your association theory.
klarchen Pppps: ack, that's "criticizing".
And I really meant to say "attatchment" theory, not "association" theory.
lost daffy you give good advice. 011015
wick yummy, you give good head 011015
Sonya the sullen feline silentbob is very nice and he is damn funny on here. 011015
psychobabe i like many many of you blatherers.

silentbob-bobby your just an awesome person in many ways ever since that first concert at the beacon :p

unhinged-veeeeery very good writing and points

lost-heh everything you say seems to never seace me with ideas and thoughts, your an awesome person :)

distorted tendencies-hehe you and i make lots of sence

Daffy-heh your awesome, told you i loved ya way back when, just keep on telling people your advice it always works

unique butterfly-heh you moved away and now i never talk with you anymore : ( man how i miss you. Your awesome in every way to me and you've helped me a ton, thankz

and then there are many more people like klarchen and mollygolightly, but i dont have much time left so i'll write more for you people laterz
Aimee Bobby - oh sweetie you know I'd have your love kitten any day!!!

Daffy - you are my fountain for sage-like advice and humour.

nocturnal - I really miss her. She never talks to me cause she's always away... but nonetheless I love her!!

unhinged - she's my pookie and a very deep soul. One of the people on this earth that deserves some genuine happiness and someone who will love her unconditionally.

lost - man, I haven't words enough for you. I understand everything you've gone through and I am so happy you've made it through pretty much unscathed. You're awesome.

kingsuperspecial - you are one cracked little boy... funny, but man... what's up with your head???? lol

DannyH - he's the boy on the playground that I like. :) always playing on my webpage, and always telling me I'm a cutie.

psychobabe - all around nice chica... :)

florescent light - I admire her blathes. I've talked to her once or twice, but I just prefer to keep her on the pedestal.

Johnny West - my movie star... I miss him and wish he'd come back.

Mikey - my little cuddle bunny. I haven't talked to him much since he left. I miss him a lot, my first real blather friend and a truly gentle soul to go with it.

TalviFatin - I know who you are punk! and you know something.. just cause you change the name.. doesn't mean you've changed the person... in fact.. i'm grateful for that hon. You're like a sister to me.
birdmad you're all wonderful...seriously 011019
lovers lament people i worship and adore on blather:
SilentBob- number one on so many lists. thanks for being my digital hubby, and listening to me bitch all the time. you're such a beautiful person. you will find someone who deserves you... someday. not too soon i hope. ;)
Mollycule & Unhinged- of course maybe i'm biased since i know the two of you personally, but who gives a fuck. you're probably the two females who understand me most in life. Mollycule, you have a wonderful and unique style when it comes to writing, i love that. and unhinged, you always seem to find the words to get to the core of my heart. love you both.
Dafremen-haven't really talked to you, but i love reading your blathes. very insightful.
some other people that rock that i never really talk to:
birdmad, klarchen, yummyc.
actually, there hasn't been a blatherer here in awhile that i couldn't find something very positive to say about their writing or personality. ok, if that sentence made no grammatical sense whatsoever, forgive me...i just woke up. i think you know what i was trying to say. i'm just braindead right now.
lost thank you all. i ahve good words for all of you as well. but as of now i am supposed to be doing a power point presentation. i am at skool right now. so i will get back to you on this later. thank you. 011019
psychobabe oh wow *sheds a tear* someone actually gave me a compliment on here---Aimee thank you it always makes me happy to know someone thinks i'm a kool chick 011019
yummyC im a bit busy, i'll throw out a few.

johnny- you make me smile and laugh when nobody else can, and you dont have to even be in my presence! your humor is wonderful.

kingsuperspecial:dig those crazy thoughts and wasting them on little ol me.

silent bob- you are so nice and...i just appreciate your emails and randomness.

lost- you have a perdy collarbone, sexy sexy...

wick- you are so damn witty! how do you come up with all those insanely original comments?

and trust me there are so many more i wanna mention, but me so busy.
unhinged yeah, i'm glad this place exists. thank you all for the kind words. i'm always looking for acceptance somewhere. some of my best friends are my blather_friends and it wouldn't be the same without everyone else to banter, bicker and quarrel with. 011019
lost thats exactly what i was thinking when i read the ones i got. im suprised i got more than one. and you are a kool chick psychobabe 011019
nocturnal blather_hug_fest much?

I thought we were against this kind of thing, kids. come on, now.
kingsuperspecial I thought it was

say hi to the martini brothers for me.
psychobabe *big smile*
heh lost and aimee think i'm kool, thats just awesome cuz i dont usually get compliments outside of this and when i do they are pretty rare. So for me to hear them just really boosts the self esteem : ) thankz guys
psychobabe sonya has great music tastes!

and aeon flux, oh i remember that cartoon way back when. one of my favs. That person has a great talent for writeing
Dafremen Ok...I've decided to join you all in this circle-jerk. Nothing like a good jerking in the in no particular order:

S'Bob: Congratulations on the successful image makeover. It was brilliant and I'm sure quite reflective of what's going on in your hormonally overwhelmed psyche.

Norm: Man, you sure know how to make an entrance. Reminds me of someone ELSE I know. (Hmmm scratches head.)

Talvifatin: Yes yes, of course you too.

God: You know know. Nuff said.

psychobabe: Keep it real soal sistah and don't get played. Getting played is for a dreamer, but with a foot firmly planted in reality. Oh and you are very engaging when you want to be, just so you know.

Yummchuckle/Sticky-pants: No sno0py-bottom it's not gunna get any better right away and being a dipsh*t despite your better judgement isn't going to help much. I think your charming little self should make it just fine, you've got enough raw materials to make a fine human being someday. I'm sure that you will when that day finally comes.

lost: Your poetry is coming along nicely and I'm glad that you're learning to temper your frustration and loneliness with patience and mature insight. It has been a very enjoyable thing to watch. Congratulations Harlan, thus are men made.

DannyH: Where the f*ck'd you go? I miss the debate, I miss the discussion I miss the foreign counterpoint and the suds sipping counterpart. Then again, I guess that makes ME the sucker, it's just a netertainment after all.

kx21: Where have you gone bee? Where have you gone with your SeedsOfLight? Where have you disappeared to with your words of absurd wisdom and questions of universal insignificance.
Consider yourself a dear character in the blather_book and leave it at that. Come back soon.

nocturnal: You're getting too passive, I mean where's the "ever-b*tch" when you NEED her? I think your wit speaks volumes about the reality of whats going on underneath those red locks of yours. Quite a bit more than anyone suspects, even those that know you best.

Aimee: You're a champ. It's always nice to have a cheerleader in the crowd, and although you're not necessarily ditzy enough for the label, you've got the energy and you've got much heart for the job. Some days, it's much appreciated and you should probably know that. You'll find the love chicklette, just be patient and don't be a sucker.

Teen Jesus: Well man, I'm sure you know what's up. It's funny how entertaining YOU have made this show for me. We started out, as I recall, with conflict and as of the current chapter, we are fast blather_budz, connected only through the blue screen and a common understanding of the rigors of married life with the most lovable, difficult people in the world, our wives.

florescent light: Where is it lady? Where is the light that once shone so brightly over blather? Soft yet inescapable, brilliant yet subdued? Where has she gone? (Turns around) Oh! There you are...sorry. You rock lady.

unhinged: You have been, are now and will probably remain THE DO0D, it's really just that simple. If I could explain what exactly that meant, I would have done so by now. I can't, I wrote a poem about it...perhaps I'll blather it some day. You rock, man and I'm sure the fine folx who are still employed, because of your patronizing their Denny's, feel the same.

To the rest of the blather_cast:

Your names will appear in the closing credits, unfortunately there isn't enough room for you all up front, we'd never get to the show that way. To the Enriquito's and SpecialK's the Rhinnas and Peyton's, to the baby_satans and the flippos of blather...whoever you may be..thanks for the show, it's been great so far and you've been amazing.

nocturnal TENTH?! I was only the tenth person you thought of? I have no need for such disrespect. you and I both know I deserve more than that. this may well be the most you have offended me thus far. 011023
Teenage Jesus Thanx Daf.

Where'd Gollum go? and satan satan satan- they always made me laugh (The Truth as well, but not on purpose.)
satan satan satan i'm always here, man... 011023
Aimee Liz... he thought of me 11th so don't feel too damn bad!!!!!! Daffy, the cheerleader is hurt.. :) 011023
bijou i think bluishpurpley was a good color choice. easy on the eyes. 011023
Dafremen I have just been informed by the director of casting that Db was supposed to be in the opening credits and he was supposed to be before Teen Jesus. Damn... so Db, where ever you are...your talents are apparently appreciated by someone in addition to myself.

As for your being offended noc:
Don't make me take back the compliment about your intellect by being obtuse.

Look at the list carefully and you will see that you fell in the #5 slot if you go backwards, or even in FIRST place if you take into account my opening disclaimer..and I quote:

"Nothing like a good jerking in the **IN NO PARTICULAR ORDER**"

(Capitalization and asterisks added as visual aids for the not-so-observant among us.)

I'm glad you're pleased Aimee, keep entertaining me and there's more where that came from. : )

(Geezus I'm really starting to make myself sick now people. Enuff! See ya in the blue...)
psychobabe dafremen i'm so proud to be on your list *smiles its always nice to know i'm thought of once and awhile, thankz many! *hugz* 011023
Teenage Jesus Satan X3! I've got to get over to Dave_Christ and post a new (true) story. He has become even more of a sinister exagerator.

(...and Daf, Db before me eh? Why I oughtta... ; )
Dafremen Hey particular order I said. (It's just that Db goes before you in THAT list...that's all.) 011024
Toxic_Kisses *Whines* whata 'bout meeeee?

hehe just kiddin w/ ya Daf ^.^ My ego (az you've stated b4 (although rather unkindly *pout*)) iz big enough az it iz, after all if it were any bigger, why my gosh it just might burst! *L*
Dafremen Hey I just met you lady/do0d/guy we don't know if you're star material yet, although your blather_screen_test was pretty damned impressive, if I do say so.

Let's see whatcha got, then next time the stroking starts we'll make sure "you get yours". : )
Dafremen P.S. That wasn't really me...that was the pizza delievery do0d. I told him I'd give him a 10 dollar tip if he wrote something in answer to your blather. He took the tip after I gave him some background information to work with. Good pizza too. Anyhow, yea man...I know whatcha mean, I stayed away until I just had to react. I'd rather have em stroking each other's egos than whining about the horrible shape that their own are in. : ) 011024
Dafremen Plus...yea...validation and acceptance rocks anyway you slice it, needed or not. 011024
Toxic_Kisses Although it's not needed nor wanted I cant dispute the truth in how nice it is to be complemented, validation and acceptance on the other hand eh their nice to have but hay if you don’t have it does it really mater? After all its just az fun to annoy, anger and argue w/ the ppl who don’t like you when ever you fancy doing so.
Look I gotta get, but I'll be by later to night babe ^.^
Dafremen The answer is YES, it does matter. What doesn't matter is whether or not validation and acceptance comes from other people. I am perfectly capable of providing my own of both in copious quantities. My statement still stands, validation and acceptance rock... 011024
lost i'm honored to make it on your list daffy. you definetly make mine a long with s'bob, psychobabe, unhinged, yummyC, and many others that i am sorry to be forgeting at this momment. 011025

eh, sorry i'm alil off today kinda sick but i can make time to write, instead of telling you all what your excelent at *wether its makeing me feel great about myself, impressing me with your writeing, or makeing me laugh* I'll just write the names then at a later date write WHY you make me so impressed cuz the dizzyness and fatigue i have is overcomeing me right about now.

Daffy, Lost, Unhinged, Silentbob, Distorted tendencies, YummyC, Aimee, Nocturnal, Mollygolightly, Teenage jesus, Norm, SCOTT, Unique Butterfly, Black-dyed-hair-gel and i know theres more. keep posted until i get better
the Queen of Hearts I feel all warm and fuzzy and sticky from this blather_jerk_off. 011220
ClairE They're the best kind.

"you are like a down mattress with big pillows on a sea of jello. i can say whatever i feel like saying. and you aren't going to bite my head off or have an orgasm, (depending on what i said)."

"heh. wow. a little blather_description. ;-)"
ClairE Rhin's blathe on god's_breath. 011220
megan I know this is petty and sad and it's my own damn fault and none of you have any sympathy for me at all but I'm sad that I'm not on here... =`(

I will say that I enjoy rhin's, silentbob's, and twiggies the most though... just to contribute to the mayhem.
kelli crane oren makes me laugh. 020115
little wonder pffft you only mentioned me because it's me 020308
ying yang 020308
yang ying 020308
yummyC bobby is my bandaid and he is simply silly.

frAnk and mahayana have a way with words that i would kill to posess.

toxic kisses makes me giggle...I relate to many of her blathes enormously.

blown cherry is yummyish. Whenever I get done reading blather, at least one of the things she wrote sticks in my head thru the day.

and, I hafta go blathe about other things now. I'm forgetting all the blatherers I love. as long as you aren't phil or ...oasiscloud??? er...whoever was being a bastard to me on the help_me_make_a_mix thread...anyways if you aren't those two, then I heart you.
yummyC ah misstree and little wonder
how I luv theeeeee(s) hehe

I really can't name all the blatherers I want to compliment...but u guys are lovely :)

I've been receiving way too many blather compliments lately
lady lunchbox i love all of you...ok, those of you who *don't* shove your opinions down everyone's throat. there are only a few whom i don't care too much for, especially those who try to convert us all to christianity. not here, kids.

that said, here are those whose words i always read with mucho gusto:
daffy, mahayana, clairE, bobby, teen jesus, satan guys keep me coming back!! don't ever go away!!


blather on, everyone!!
lycanthrope jeesh what a circle jerk this is...patting each others backs and whatnot. Hmm...i'd have to say miniver always has a lot to say even if it is a bit inaccessible....and that sotto voce knocks me out. And i don't know about you guys...and how bout that werewolf?...i mean...come on. I respect mahayana's pseudo buddhism too. Sometimes it's just what i need. I hate these know...complimenting one person is implicitly uncomplimenting you all have something to say... which is why you take the time and effort to write it and then click the same link a thousand times just to see if it's been noticed, if it's sent out any ripples and if any are heading back to you. 020323
sporkwielder know who's pretty good? me.
know why? cuz while most of you are probably out amidst the streaking car lights or flashing club lights idealizing the distances between your friends or lovers..i'm close with myself...dedicating myself to the craft of blathering...not stopping untill i've blathered myself to exhaustion. you could all learn something from me. what that is i'll let you decide
yummychuckle (proud member of 3 yahoo spork clubs) mmm...sporks 020324
Syrope i had guys.html bookmarked on my computer for a good 3 months before i bothered to see what it was connected to. since then i've been completely addicted...i find that i really relate to certain blatherers more than others, but i know if i try to make a list then i'll forget... 020403
danny blather...shmather...
i am left insanely confused
little wonder thank-yew yummyC
i enjoy your blathes immensely also
blown cherry Ack!
There are so many people I want to compliment right now, but like Lycanthrope said "complimenting one person is implicitly uncomplimenting another"
So I daren't put a single name to this page though there are many whose name I would like to put here.

I wish you all had email addresses so I could compliment you in person.
Damn this anonymity thing :)
smack! boo!

back into recent you go, blathercompliments.
nomme my compliments to the chef 030822
WTF now if everyone who has a lame beef or some other negative minded attitude about sumpin' could dump thier complaints into a blathercomplaint section..... ......idunno, wotever.. 031120
sylphide what's with all the negativity WTF? i don't get it.. 031121
daf sylphide, you rock and I know three people that would like to have your babies. Two of them are human!

blown cherry, you have always rocked. Mainly because you've been here all of these years and still managed to avoid revealing the name of the lucky chap whose bated breath does the blowing.

nomme, you are the supreme mother superior of all indigo neon alphanumeric symbology in the digital transference medium. One day your art will hang on my wall.

smack! Your! Use! of? Exclamation! Points! Is! Impeccable!

little wonder...indeed it is little wonder that you are being praised today in my humble and unworthy way...for you are praise incarnate (without the carne, of course and with a side of slaw and hushpuppies...mmmm)

danny, your confusion is most becoming. Almost a statement on what the rest of us are but refuse to admit. You stand a sage..wise beyond your fears. : ), most fancreduluptuous king of the royal back-the-f**k-off-blather are perhaps the most paradoxical and amazing of all. Are you a fork? Or are you a spo0n?! It moggles the bind!

There..all back to positivity again.
sylphide thanking you daf :) 031123
white_wave everyone here is worthy of compliments. we each have something beautiful to contribute. each playing an important role. we are dependant upon eachother to build blather into what it is.

thank you blather_community for giving me some of the best and most entertaining reading that the www has to too offer.

Keep up the great words guys and gals!
time_warp i think sameolme is the coolest.
there. i said it.
sameolme thanks, you made my day! Keep warm. 040319
eskimos friend i think nom is really cool, and misstree's very sexual, but i like all the stuff she writes about love and friendship. 040320
white_wave I feel like I should give blathercompliments to some real people. I hate to leave anyone out, but I can't include everyone. So this will read like a CD cover where the artist gives thanks to the following people:

to pipers for laughing at my stupid jokes

to stork for letting me read breathtaking pieces of the novel you never wrote.

to misstree, for a picture more crystal clear than a photograph, of what it means to be a plant.

to oldephebe because i most of your words go way over my head. but i need the challenge to keep from going brain_dead.

to birdmad because you never showed up to your surprise party.

to sabbie because i feel more than privileged to rock your world.

to minnesota chris because we weren't babies_in_the_80's.

and to paste! for being the blather_title_guru.
nomme many skites i do love reading
hard to know where to begin

but here is one to start with:

has been enjoying floralieca's blathes
nomme oh oh oh! just read up the page

thanks you, eskimos friend
pipey im on the top of a list, wow...and they're just funny jokes, white wave...*grins* thankyew!!! 040325
white_wave purring oh yeah, and thanks to birdman for all the feline blathes. Kittens ROCK!! 040327
blown cherry daf! I may be a little late in response, but I don't think I've altogether hidden the name of that bated breath blower...nor have I tried, does no one remember that blather duelling nonsense of many months ago? Oh well, such negativities are best left forgotten anyway... 040328
blown cherry actually, in reference to my much earlier blathe on here, I've thought of a compliment that won't tread on anyone's toes:

I was screaming out inside my head, inside my chest again tonight, my torso convulsing at the stabwounds of instability, insanity, slowly closing in on me this eve. My preferred remedy was not available, already at home and asleep, and my wish to leave him in his perfection, untainted by my corruption was too great. Running out of options, and feeling the ribbons of my mind slowly unravelling and streaming out, screaming away from me, I clicked on the 'home' button and entered into the blue realm, acting like some kind of metaphysical magnet it drew me in again, and brought calm to my panic.
Blather saves me from myself for yet another day. Thankyou.

(hope I didn't upset red too much)
oE bLoWn cHeRrY -
your words...i likee
misstree reminded briefly of the times when i emailed people to tell them that their writing was incredible, or a particular blathe was great... it just didn't feel right to clutter up such pure expression with "wow! thass purty!"... that piece of eqituitte seems to have changed quite a bit... gives it a bit of a sickly-sweet feel to the place sometimes... but there is still a bit of negativity... if not the in-depth arguments that my brain remembers (possibly through embellishment)... so it is mayhaps balance... but there's always the argument that by failing to compliment one person and complimenting another, you might be inadvertantly hurting someone's feelings... and it opens the door to all manner of compliment fishing and mutual egomasturbation... i dunno... don't really know how i feel about this, but dammit, i feel something... i think... 040405
neesh LS i've been finding you inspirational lately.
doar i am so glad you're back!
stork daddy all your posts today are exceptional even by your standards, so cool and somewhat weird.
sab if i were a publisher i'd buy your poems without a second's thought (or a second thought).
mon/nom i hope you're feeling ok and i still love the way you mix up language, it shows such an understanding and sensitive ear to nuance and harmony.

i recently signed up for a poetry forum and was genuinely appalled at the general level of "poetry" on it. i think any one skite commands so much more power over language, has so much more attuned an ear, has so much more understanding and mature an approach to life than almost any of the so-called poets of that site. reminded me how much i love it here, though i don't often post any more (i still read everything every day).
Lemon_Soda BLather: an online family, and just like my real family, I didn't get to choose a'one of them(by blood or not) you just are, and I thank you and love that your in my life. 050616
a chaotic gift to idealism a million things in my head
a million things to be said
you speak my mind, when all goes blank
the better portion of you, i would like to thank
you speak my mind when my mind goes blank
stork daddy glad i can be of some use. 050616
Doar it's good to be back, neesh.

nomme thankyou neesh!) 050619
Philadelphia PA nomme, neesh, LS (man have you been hitting out of the park lately, the preceding is not a comparision or an expression of merit juxataposed against the other blather persona's named in this blathe, I've just been reading a LOT of Lemon Soda lately as apposed to other blatherers) andru, pete, a chaotic gift to idealism, of course mtree, daf's recent posts under nomme de plumes and his moniker, doar, stork, spork, a thimble in time, angela etc etc.) 050623
a chaotic gift to idealism same to you

how is Phili these days? wonderful weather we are getting here in northern EST.

hello from next door. :-D
Doar thank you PPA. 050624
Lemon_Soda thank you PPA 050624
oldephebe ya'll is welcome - and the weather to me is merely incidental to my parade to the sepulcre summer that i've been having...sooo...i guess the weather is and muggy with the occasional pleasant day where a sweet zephyr brushes the ground and gathers all of the melody of various tastes and smells and kisses you softly...
peyton thanks for looking the other way
meta meta 121210
dafremen Thanks everyone.

For the record, I don't generally use any pen name other than "daf" or "dafremen."

There are a very few exceptions to that, but they are just that...exceptions.

So PPA, I'm afraid if it didn't say "daf" or "dafremen" you likely weren't reading anything I've written.
Doar Well, it might have been my nom_de_pleure.....

I've been thinking since awhile ago that Daf could be?......nah....he's just a figment of my reintigration.....

what's it to you?
who go