squint the newest voice

is solid and reassuring, gripping me for long stretches before suddenly it lilts and shifts into an inviting smile of a hum dancing across invisible plains of varied interpretation, prodding at me jokingly and then slowly this glides back into place, into a midnight tone that sweeps down my nerve endings and has me startled and alert, has me caught and enjoying my imprisonment within his voice...
it is a seductive charming purr that jumps face first into a lifted laugh that bounces and springs off of the Y that ends his name and makes me smile past my mouths boundaries.

whose voice is this?

why, Lycanthrope of course.

I have more descriptions to post, of the voices of the blatherites, the real physical sounds they make...
but those will come at a later time when I am feeling more inspired to do so or when i hear their voices again...
unhinged for some reason, mahayana's voice was the only voice that fit the blather description 020717
pete each blatherskite, to me, has a unique voice that runs in my head as i read this site. over a while each voice gains a general shape, male or female. from there it grows hair, eyes, ears, noises, and even, if they are lucky, mouths and clothes. sometimes i find that the first assumpition is way off (being a 50/50 guess, for the most part, it is hard to be further off then guessing male and the blatherskite being female), and thus the entire blather_voice perception dissentergrates into a beautiful pile of confusion. other times, which is all the othe rtimes, it tends to go on uninteruppted until something happens, and nothing, really, has happend as of yet. 040819
meta meta 060213
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