User24 well... I look like a fool. 030626
ferret hehehe 030626
jane very detailed, howard. thanks for all the info. 030626
god at least he took initiative. i'd vote user24 for prime minister of the universe, should he ever run for office. 030626
User24 heh.

yeah, y'know, I actually have no idea why blather crashed..

but, here's all I do know, starting with the email I sent to as many of you whoose email addresses I could find while the boss wasn't looking;

------start email
hello (almost) everyone.

As you may have noticed, has a problem, and I for one would really like to know why, if anyone was on blather over
the last 24 hours, can you shed some light on this? if not, please forward this to anyone on blather that you know.

I've sent a message to with details of the problem, but to be honest I really don't know if they check that account any more.

If you're wondering who the hell I am, I just searched google for 'email' and pulled whatever I could find, sorry if you don't blathe any more.

details of the problem as far as I can see:

you can still read existing blathes by jumping straight to them, eg

but you can't see the who or recent lists, three_words is not working,
and you can't blathe or click on dates. in other words, all interactivity has gone!

Looking at the directory listings to we can see that something went through the system and modified all files around midnight-2am, server time.
everything else is un modified, as far as I can see.

Last thing I read last night was that stuff by 'someone' (Mr fortune cookie)

blather red seems to have the same problems.

Yours in confusion,
User24, aka Howard Yeend.

p.s. I know there's not much we can really do about it, but knowing what the problem is would be nice, ya?

------end email

p2 then sent the correction that it wasn't just a-j that got modified, but a - l, stopping at life.html.

My best guess is that it was someone doing a bit of reconfiguring on the server and it went a little wrong.

I don't know PERL, otherwise I'd look through the source_code and see if there was anything amis. I do know that there may be a possibility of a mySQL injection vulnerability, but I'm not giving out details, or doing any research, at least not on this server. I may test @ home and send results to newdream, but don't hold your breath.

someone was trying to perform a remote command execution earlier today, but from the looks of things they didn't succeed (see: 32)

and it also looks like they weren't being serious, as they tried to pull an ls -l on a system that allows directory listings (duh..)

beyond that, not much else to report; 'somebody' has been leaving messages with an unclickable name, you too can do this by entering your name as a load of spaces. (you'll all come out with username 'somebody')

there's a cross site scripting vuln, and a way around the no commas or equals, using javascript's eval() and unescape() functions.

you can also inject html commands in the 'you' field.


In other words, as far as I can see, there's no way you'd be able to crash blather like that from these web forms, unless you used the backslash character, and, as that causes a temporary crash as soon as receives it, I haven't investigated this further.
User24 wow, god votes for me. cool. thanks, man, but I'd prefer to be one of those guys who no-one really knows what his job is, but he keeps leaning over and whispering sagely in the president's ear. 030626
User24 of course, the PERL script re-writes the html page every time someone writes something on that page. that's gotta be server intensive. maybe it just got a little tired.. (I seem to remember this happened a while ago and they had to upgrade the memory, see blather_white_screen) 030626
endless desire wow.
too bad i don't understand
because nothing you said really
made sense to me besides,
blather crashed.
Syrope whats that about a backslash? 030627
User24 the 'somebody' thing is on line 73 of bin/

$form{'who'} = 'somebody';
User24 I've found that if you put a backslash in anywhere, it tends to cause an error 500.

though everything else remains fine.
User24 while it's only a temporary problem, and everything is fine, I wouldn't recommend playing with it.

If you were to trawl through the source code, you'd probally find that they forgot escape input somewhere, and this is where other more serious exploits may come in to play, but I'm not going to be the one to find out.
Syrope wow. i don't even know what that means, but ok :) no backslashes for me 030703
User24 give it a go, you'll see what I mean

it causes no permanent harm, AFAIK
dallas I don't remember for sure, but I think the blather crashy a couple months back was due to some mysql problems. The tables got corrupted or something. 030819
dallas the backslash crash is fixed now. It caused a mysql syntax error before.

Now, it doesn't cause an error at all:
\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \
User24 bows 030913
endless desire stands in awe 030913
Death of a Rose jolly good show, old man 031014
u24 oh no, not again? 031119
notme thjis isj realljy weirjd 031119
(i think) see also whats_wrong_with_blather 031119
damn what's_wrong_with_blather 031119
meta meta 060306
u24 if anyone noticed the crash a week or so ago (the old "an_error_occurred_processing_this_directive" message) I emailed dallas and he fixed it.

I was just suprised no-one else mentioned it. blather was offline for, like, three days.
:P boo whoooo maybe that is your fault, cos it goes two ways you pooop gadget universe framer. 071110
u24 would you like a christmas card? 071110
auburn I almost cried when blather crashed a little while ago.

I didn't know what to do.

Okay...well I didn't really cry...
ouroboros Yeah i definitely noticed the many days sans blather, so many thanks to you for contacting dallas, and of course, many thanks to daLlas for getting blather running again. 071110
Doar? Once again. 130212
Doar Just the homepage it seems. Anyone on this? 130212
in a silent way everything's working fine for me. i do notice blather seems to get kind of slow around the time it turns over to the next day (happens at 3:00 a.m. my time), with the occasional blather_white_screen that sometimes lasts twenty minutes or so. a few weeks ago i was getting a lot of gateway 504 errors when blathing, though what i said would always eventually go through with the first click, even if the internet tried to convince me otherwise. those timeout errors have mysteriously disappeared, and now that things are just a little bit busier here, it's all a lot less sluggish on my end. funny, that. 130212
unhinged (maybe they only divert newdream energy to this place when they see we're actually using it) 130212
meta meta 130213
oren Interesting. 130213
Doar must have been just on the little hand talky device... 130215
what's it to you?
who go