blown cherry Daria wrote:
I wish every one would clear up their sex right now.

I don't know if it was directed at me, but it was right under what I wrote last, so I decided to answer it anyway.


And we already know silentbob_is_a_boy

Your turn.
blue star blue star is a girl. 020503
kerry kerry is also a girl. 020503
stork daddy i am the spectrum, step to either side of me, or enter in my middle! These doors have various passwords, and various hinging safeties. 020503
bethany is just a girl 020503
SoulLot I'm a male. 020503
unhinged this settles it once and for all

i am a girl
-{::ephemeral_arcs::}- is a hopeless mâle
but everyone already knew that.
Arwyn girl 020503
sabbie and what does it fucking matter?
people get so mired down in building little boxes so they can catoloug the world according to them that they cant just open up and accept thoughts and ideas flying in the window without obsessivly knowing as much as they can about it all.

let it go.
accept that these blue words are gifts from strangers and that you dont need to _know_ anything more. accept the worlds at face value, find the beauty in them, find silluettes you recognise in unfamilier shapes and revel in the beauty.

analising so much you are in danger of becoming scientists who cannot see the beauty of a rusting clockwork butterfly because they are too busy disceting it to see how it worked. at the end of the day they will have a sad little pile of broken sarpings and rusty metal and no memory of what they started with cos they were too busy rushing in.

angels dont need to be here, why do you?
the cheer-up kid Sabbie is so a girl. 020503
Mahayana Here are my true final answers:
[{straight lesbian with borderline asexual bisexual tendencies}]
misstree bless you, mahayana.
this either/or thing makes me giggle. i'm more male than most females, and more female than most males.
as for my plumbing, well, you just leave my meat out of this, you hear me?
kill rhythm i am a girl. 020503
-{::ephemeral_arcs::}- sabbie:
before I posted here, I thought about every thought (except the beautiful metaphore to a rusted clockwork butterfly) that you presented. And i thought about how internally, I'm really more a female in nature, and that the catagories typicalized are nothing, nothing...
but then I thought and realised that it wasn't any better to say any of that than it was to say if I was male or female, or reveal something more in the process... because by making that statement, i made a comparison, a contrast... and I killed a million possibilities that THESE words could develop in to. Saying you're a male or female isn't always just saying that you fit under these transparent stone templates of society and stereotypes, sometimes it's much, much, more. Look at the way some of these blathes are presented... you might find something more. (but ignore mine, it's crap, really) I've just learned by stating something, or denying something, you actually only perpetuate and solidify it's existance.. and sometimes making the transparent stereotype stones harder and more omnipresent is the only wake to make them brittle enough to be broken.. but not always.
I'm not saying I totally disagree with you, because I don't, but I'm saying there's more(and usually is more) to it.
*bows* no disrespect or flames intended.
Freak Im a girl! 020507
azurebreeze Men are mutant women
From a letter in the New Scientist (Nov 20th '93) from Robert Taylor of Notting Hill.
If one actually looks at X and Y chromosomes, it is plainly obvious that the so-called Y chromosome is actually an X chromosome with one of its 'legs' missing.

The fact of parthenogenesis indicates that the natural form of all species is female. Males exist merely so that females can reproduce themselves. Men are, in fact, mutant women.

This explains why men have nipples, why far more men than women suffer from physical and mental gender disorders, why women are generally healthier, and why they live longer.
azurebreeze Oh by the way. I have two whole XX chromosomes! :D 020512
isitme_hmmiwonder i honestly dont know. is that a problem? i have something that looks like a penis. what does that mean? i think i must be sick. 020513
sporkwielder well...we're all mutants of something or another aren't we. Mutants are the key to evolution. Sure the vagina envy i posess is a bit of a hindrance sometimes, but it's a burden i'm willing to bear in the name of evolution. Mutations and variations are carried on the Y chromosome. So when we have'll know who to thank. 020513
i am jacks average sized genitalia male 020513
niki je suis la jeune fille 020513
cheer-up-emo-kid Im a girl. 020624
distorted tendencies Female. 020926
dudeinanigloo I am a guy, and proud to be one. Here are some reasons why:

- dont have to endure the pain of having a baby,
- people dont try to rape me,
- i am not worried about my weight,
- i dont need to check my makeup,
- i am not worried about what other people think of me,
- i dont care what people say about me,
- morning routines are much more simple,
- i dont have to wear tight clothes,
- i dont have to wear high-heeled shoes,
- i can pee standing up,
- i only need 4 pairs of footwear (eg. 1 pair of shoes, 1 pair of boots, 1 pair of sandals, and 1 pair of dress shoes),
- i dont have to make my hair all funky to be appropriate for the public eyes, girls, girls, girls,

and the #1 reason that im glad to be a guy is:

whitechocolatewalrus - i am not worried about my weight,
- i dont need to check my makeup,
- i am not worried about what other people think of me,
- i dont care what people say about me,
- morning routines last 12 minutes,
- i dont have to wear tight clothes,
- i dont wear high-heeled shoes,
- i only need 3 pairs of footwear (eg. 1 pair running shoes, 1 pair of walking shoes, and 1 pair of dress shoes),
- i dont have to make my hair all funky to be appropriate for the public eyes

these are my reasons for liking that i am girl.
walrus oh, and i don't have to worry about being castrated. 040119
DOAR :-) 040120
silentlybroken is male 040121
.fallen is just a boygirl 040121
.fallen or a girlboy

either way works quite well, and sums it up nicely, yup
jenny enny dots Isn't it obvious I don't have a penis? 040121
Syrope i'm a girl :) 040122
hyaena well, jenny enny dots, since i don't have any reason to believe that any person on the net is what they represent themselves to be in any way, shape or form, and the only aspect of you that i assume to be true is that you have net access and can type in english, no, no it isn't obvious. thank you for your glorious insight, though, it was about time to refresh my image of every single person i've never met as a legless sumo wrestler covered in creamed corn. 040122
hyena and i'll respectfully fail to point out that there are many that are biologically male that have no penis, and biologically female that do. besides which, proving that something doesn't exist, ala your penis, is devilishly difficult.

it's okay. i love you anyway.
jenny enny dots What guy in his right mind would call themself "jenny"? And don't you think that 99% of guys here have a penis and 99% of girls here don't? 040122
haieeeeeeenuh you've never met a boy who used a girl's name? sheltered sheltered. aside from transvestites and transsexuals, i've still met quite a few men who went by a female pseudonym; granted, it was largely among gay culture, but there you go. and if you dare insist that they aren't in their right mind, i'll really take you over my knee.

regardless of the percentages of which sex has which set of organs, the fact remains that i have absolutely no reason to believe that you are actually a female, though you purport yourself to be...

leading me to the conclusion that no, no it isn't obvious.

especially if you happen to be a body part collector, or referring to a latex substitute. but i ruled those out as less probable than boys pretending to be girls on the net.
endless desire i thought she was a girl. 040123
endless desire ive pretended to be a boy on blather. i wanted to write a different type of poetry. 040123
endless desire i represent myself and who i am on blather i figure, even if i am ashamed of it. people always talk about hating the kids who wear preppy clothes. i wear preppy clothes and have for ages. i love collared shirts and stripes and sweaters. it's just funny because people think they are individuals when they act punk or emo or dress 80's. those are three biggest fads at my high_school. everyone fits into one of those 3 or they are some sort of loser. i just keep dressing the same way i always have, whether it happens to be in or out. i just meant that i am i am preppy. im not a goth or punker or any of those things so many people take pride in being. i am a girl. my name is ellyn. ill be 16 real soon.

or do you not believe me?

no. actually, im a 60 year old male who wacks off to britney spears music videos every evening.

sometimes i think people should be more trusting.
megan i
jenny enny dots Good point. Just because megan is the keeper of the vagina doesn't mean she has to be a girl. This could be a guy who likes to refer to the woman in his life by the name of her sex organ. Unlikely but possible. And by the way, I have used a boy's name as a handle before. Just because I thought the name was funny. Then when I revealed my real sex there were some interesting responses.

. . 040123
jenny enny dots is a girl . 040123
megan i'm a girl hun
and no guy can keep my vagina :) it's mine i tell you! mine!
shivers is a little girl who wants to be a woman 040124
celestias shadow yo soy una chica 040125
iNsEcUrE_GoTh_GiRl *looks down*
i'm a girl,
last time i checked

*checks again*
still a girl

bandersnatch to paraphrase on of my favorite authors...

"Oh, when [bandersnatch] pisses
Pray tell, what's the angle?
Did we take down his pants
Would he dimple or dangle?"
ahem one of 040126
p2 ha!
nice one bandersnatch
allow me to reply with:

when nature's call
i must heed
and you check
how i peed
though i always
hit my mark
i fashion mine
in an arc
witchesrequiem sounds like a girl. 040127
MeKoy girl here... last time checked. 040207
pobodys nerfect I'm very much a girly girl(I love wearing dresses,makeup,and just being all around feminine). 040207
smurfus rex [chugs a bottle of pancake syrup]


would like to thank Super Troopers.
falling_alone i am a pretty girl...

well at least thats what my mommy tells me
superleni how does one clear up their sex?
it makes it sound like a disease.
or a mess.
which i guess it kind of is.
i wish people could let it be less important.
if you love someone, does it matter how they are made?
kookaburra rawr!
im a worm.
fear me, as i am uneasily sucking your________

hey, wat did you think i was gonna say!
get your mind out of the gutter.
dosquatch There's nothing wrong with the gutter. It's warm, and there's plenty of company. 040525
thunderbuck ram I'm a guy. Part of me always wanted to be a girl, but I'm a guy. She comes out to play and blather now and then. 040826
mourninglight I am entirely asexual
from time to time, a little ameoba resembling thing that is my genetic twin detaches itself from my side, and my friends sigh in relief that I don't have a tumor *again*, and off into the great spaceless places does my little dearheart go. I don't bother to name them...I trust they will find their own.
a thimble in time There is a man in every woman and an Eve in everyone. 040827
TK I should hope that by now that the answer to this question is obvious 040827
anne-girl heh 040828
metamantrg a little mouse traped in a cage
male of corse
nemo wanker 040831
Deomis This homeless man called me "mister" one time. That man was creepy. He was sitting outside of Blockbuster.
I think he was drunk.
Yea, I'm a girl.
Moonshine! I am male according to me, female according to some people. And the person that started this thingo is ignorant because they put sex instead of gender. 050113
no reason yep! 050113
PCA don't_ask__don't_tell_? 050113
anne-girl i've pretty much given up on this one 080330
ofsuch i'm borderline personality disorder. this classification supersedes sex classifications. 111014
what's it to you?
who go